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Swine Flu

Swine Flu - 7 News Result(s)
  • Swine Flu Claims 100 Lives in Maharashtra: Here's Why You May Be At Risk
    Swine Flu Claims 100 Lives in Maharashtra: Here's Why You May Be At Risk

    Swine Flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses.Here's everything you must about the contagious disease.

  • Swine Flu Death in Lucknow, Vigil Stepped up
    Swine Flu Death in Lucknow, Vigil Stepped up

    This is the second death in the state reported due to swine flu this year.

  • 60 Deaths Due to Seasonal Diseases This Year in Rajasthan
    60 Deaths Due to Seasonal Diseases This Year in Rajasthan

    Swine flu, dengue and other seasonal diseases have claimed over 60 lives in different parts of Rajasthan even as authorities claim the situation is under control.

  • Swine Flu Spreads Across: Here's What You Must Keep in Mind
    Swine Flu Spreads Across: Here's What You Must Keep in Mind

    The virus gets stronger during colder months of the year.

  • Swine Flu or Monkey Pox? WHO Asks Scientists to Think Before Naming Disease
    Swine Flu or Monkey Pox? WHO Asks Scientists to Think Before Naming Disease

    Disease names like swine flu or Rift Valley fever risk stigmatising communities and damaging economies.

  • Health Minister Directs Hospitals to Strengthen Swine Flu Preparedness
    Health Minister Directs Hospitals to Strengthen Swine Flu Preparedness

    The minister was informed that in all designated hospitals, beds for H1N1 influenza patients have been tripled compared to last year.

  • Swine Flu Cases Continue to Soar in Peak Summer, Has the H1N1 Virus Mutated?
    Swine Flu Cases Continue to Soar in Peak Summer, Has the H1N1 Virus Mutated?

    Health authorities in Telangana have a different story to tell. Experts suspect H1N1 virus to have undergone a mutation.

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