Food Awards

Turmeric uses

'Turmeric Uses' - 4 New Result(s)
  • 7 Unexpected Uses Of Turmeric In The Kitchen Beyond Cooking
    7 Unexpected Uses Of Turmeric In The Kitchen Beyond Cooking

    By incorporating turmeric into your kitchen routine in these innovative ways, you can harness its many benefits beyond its culinary uses.

  • Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia): Did You Know Yellow Haldi Has A Blackish Blue Cousin?
    Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia): Did You Know Yellow Haldi Has A Blackish Blue Cousin?

    The magical turmeric golden rhizome that you are so familiar with, also has a blackish-blue cousin that is usually grown in the Northeast of India as well as some other states including Madhya Pradesh.

  • Turmeric Face Mask Goes Wrong In Viral Video: 5 Other Ways To Use It
    Turmeric Face Mask Goes Wrong In Viral Video: 5 Other Ways To Use It

    A viral video features a girl trying on a face mask made of Turmeric, which had unexpected results. Take a look at how to use turmeric properly!

  • Does Cooking Turmeric Destroy Its Benefits? Here's The Answer!
    Does Cooking Turmeric Destroy Its Benefits? Here's The Answer!

    A research study has shown that cooking turmeric may result in the loss of curcumin compound. How far is this true? Should you stop cooking turmeric altogether?

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