
Weekday recipes

'Weekday Recipes' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Bombay Aloo Recipe: Now You Can Enjoy Yummy Weekday Meal With This Spicy Dish
    Bombay Aloo Recipe: Now You Can Enjoy Yummy Weekday Meal With This Spicy Dish

    Did you know, the name Bombay aloo finds its origin in the British era? Read on to know more about this interesting dish.

  • How To Make Medu Vada And Sambar - Quick Recipe Of The South Indian Combo
    How To Make Medu Vada And Sambar - Quick Recipe Of The South Indian Combo

    Weekday Special: We bring you an easy poha medu vada recipe that is ideal for time-pressed weekdays. Read on to know more.

  • Turn Mid-Week Blues Into Foodie Delights: 3 Mushroom Fried Rice Recipes To Lift Your Mood
    Turn Mid-Week Blues Into Foodie Delights: 3 Mushroom Fried Rice Recipes To Lift Your Mood

    We bring three different ways to make the humble mushroom fried rice to enjoy a delicious dinner with your close ones. Read on.

  • 7 Quick And Easy Recipes For Monday Night Dinner
    7 Quick And Easy Recipes For Monday Night Dinner

    We have shortlisted a list of 7 quick and easy recipes that are perfect for Monday night. The best part is you do not need to worry about the ingredients.

  • Monday Special: How To Make Protein-Rich Dal Soup With Just 3 Ingredients
    Monday Special: How To Make Protein-Rich Dal Soup With Just 3 Ingredients

    According to the USDA data, a mere cup of masoor dal has 230 calories, about 15 grams of dietary fibre and about 17 grams of proteins.

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