
Weight loss in older adults

'Weight Loss In Older Adults' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Weight Loss: Older People Can Lose As Much Weight As Younger People Through Diet Changes
    Weight Loss: Older People Can Lose As Much Weight As Younger People Through Diet Changes

    Weight loss: The researchers suggest that age in no barrier when it comes to weight loss. Older people can lose an equivalent amount of weight as younger people using only lifestyle changes.

  • Weight Loss: Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets Like Keto May Help Older People Deal With Obesity
    Weight Loss: Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets Like Keto May Help Older People Deal With Obesity

    Wight loss in older people: A new study claims that low-carb and high-fat diets may improve the body composition, fat distribution and metabolic health of the elderly.

  • 5 Reasons Your Diet Plan Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)
    5 Reasons Your Diet Plan Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)

    Struggling with your weight loss journey? Here are a few reasons your diet plan might not be giving you the results you're hoping for.

  • Weight Loss May Improve PCOS and Menstrual Symptoms: Study
    Weight Loss May Improve PCOS and Menstrual Symptoms: Study

    While people make conscious efforts to keep PCOS symptoms at bay, a study suggests weight loss may be the answer to the condition.

  • Detox Diet: 5 Detox Teas To Have After A Heavy Dinner
    Detox Diet: 5 Detox Teas To Have After A Heavy Dinner

    Detox drinks are known to keep your body light and cleanse out toxins. Here we bring some detox drinks recipes you can have after a heavy meal.

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