Food Awards

World Malaria Day 2017

World Malaria Day 2017 - 3 News Result(s)
  • World Malaria Day 2017: Nearly 95% of India Lives in Malaria Endemic Areas
    World Malaria Day 2017: Nearly 95% of India Lives in Malaria Endemic Areas

    In the year 2014 India reported 1.10 million cases of malaria and 561 deaths.

  • World Malaria Day 2017: Fight Malaria with These Mosquito Repelling Plants and Oils
    World Malaria Day 2017: Fight Malaria with These Mosquito Repelling Plants and Oils

    Thyme oil, peppermint oil, clove oil among others have been known to repel malaria-causing mosquitoes.

  • World Malaria Day 2017: These African Nations Will Test the First Ever Malaria Vaccine
    World Malaria Day 2017: These African Nations Will Test the First Ever Malaria Vaccine

    Relevant information collected from these countries will then be put to use to decide the wider application of the vaccine.

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