
Luisa Dillner

Luisa Dillner - 20 News Result(s)
  • Does eating greens give dads healthier babies?
    Does eating greens give dads healthier babies?

    Lack of folate, found in green veg, can cause abnormalities in babies, so women planning pregnancy are advised to take a supplement. Should fathers follow suit?Finally it is the turn of prospective fathers to be ...

  • Should I Eat Chocolate to Relieve Dementia?
    Should I Eat Chocolate to Relieve Dementia?

    A new study shows that the flavanols in chocolate reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other dementia conditions by protecting brain cells and increasing blood flow around the brain.Eating dark chocolate could slow the progression ...

  • Should I Take Fish Oil Supplements?
    Should I Take Fish Oil Supplements?

    The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may reduce your risk of stroke, but supplements won't help.Most people don't eat much fish, unless it is smothered in batter and comes with chips. The National Diet ...

  • Should I Eat Less Fruit?
    Should I Eat Less Fruit?

    We have always been told that fruit is good for us, but some new research may make you look twice at your breakfast grapefruit.We're always being told by the Department of Health to eat five ...

  • Should I Follow a Gluten-Free Diet?
    Should I Follow a Gluten-Free Diet?

    One in four now try to avoid the protein, believing they have an allergy. But there is no definitive test for gluten sensitivity.Gluten-free diets are soaring in popularity, especially in the US where USA Today ...

  • Which Hangover Cures Should I Try?
    Which Hangover Cures Should I Try?

    If you swear by a hair of the dog, bananas, green tea or aspirin, you are deluding yourself. The best cure is 24 hours curled up under the duvet.In case you have never had a ...

  • Does Eating Earlier in the Day Help You Lose Weight?
    Does Eating Earlier in the Day Help You Lose Weight?

    Recent research in Spain suggests that it does. So should you give up the late-night snacks?Does eating late make you put on weight? Or is this one of the many myths of dieting? Research published ...

  • Is Drinking Tea Bad for You?
    Is Drinking Tea Bad for You?

    Recent reports suggest that tea can cause brittle bones - but you'll probably be safe if you drink less than a gallon a day.Do you fancy a cuppa? We drink, on average, three mugs a ...

  • Is Plastic Food Packaging Dangerous?
    Is Plastic Food Packaging Dangerous?

    The phthalate chemicals used in packaging are banned in some countries and have been blamed for many ailments. So should you ban them from the house?If you've had to fight though plastic packaging to get ...

  • Should I Believe Calorie Counts?
    Should I Believe Calorie Counts?

    There may be a difference between a food's listed calorific value, and the amount of calories it actually delivers - but only a small one.A friend of mine knows exactly how many calories are in ...

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