Food Awards

Dean Burnett


Content by Dean Burnett

    • The Great Science Bake Off

      With the latest series of the Great British Bake Off currently airing, baking is very popular. Records show that many of the world's most celebrated scientists were also keen bakers in their spare time, offering novel takes on familiar recipes.With the...

    • Mindfulness: Beware the Hype

      It's a useful tool, but an army of therapists and counsellors would be needed for mindfulness to have the reach and effectiveness of drug-based interventions. Don't throw away the antidepressants just yet.

    • QUIZ: What Mental Disorder do you Have? | Dean Burnett

      There are many online quizzes that claim to tell you what mental disorder you have, but this one takes the issue seriouslyYou can't move for online quizzes these days. Nearly every fourth Facebook post seems to be the result of a far-fetched but strangely...

    • Silent, Not Deadly; How Farts Cure Diseases

      A recent study from the University of Exeter has been reported as showing that smelling farts can cure cancer, as well as many other diseases. Although the study itself doesn't actually say this at any point, if farts do have healing powers it would...

    • Women and Yogurt: What's the Connection?

      Advertising in western society seems to have decided that yogurt is a product that is enjoyed solely by women. Is this the case? If so, what scientific reasons could there be for this dairy-based gender bias?When war is seemingly looming, the environment...

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