Food Awards

Lizzie Enfield


Content by Lizzie Enfield

    • Is Black Pudding a 'Must-Eat' British Food?

      The environment minister thinks we should eat more black pudding - and so do top chefs. Do you love it already, could you be tempted by a chocolate version or is blood sausage banned in your house?It is the Marmite of the meat counter - ...

    • Breakfast: delicious for lunch and dinner

      Porridge, scrambled eggs and a full English breakfast are as popular as ever, but we don't neccessarily eat them first thing in the morning"To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day," said the writer William Somerset Maugham,...

    • Forget fillets - try fish heads and sperm instead

      Many Brits have embraced nose-to-tail meat-eating, yet still stick to fillets when it comes to fish. But what about liver, tongue and roe - or even sperm?I have a friend who regularly asks his fish to be returned to the kitchen if it's still "looking...

    • Hive Flyer: Meet the Honey Producer

      Honey varies in flavour from hive to hive, but that doesn't begin to describe the talents of Becky Chadd's amazing bees.Bees are very intelligent insects, with amazing communication and organisational skills. When a bee finds a good source of nectar,...

    • Fluky Foods: Serendipity in the Kitchen

      From the first cheese to a new type of 'blond' chocolate, an awful lot of what we put on our tables was created by accident rather than design.I recently invented a cocoa citrus tea. It was the surprisingly pleasant result of an airborne Jaffa cake, ...

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