Food Awards

Robert Booth


Content by Robert Booth

    • Mindfulness Study to Track Effect of Meditation on 7,000 Teenagers

      Psychologists and neuroscientists from Oxford University and University College London plan unprecedented trial of how mindfulness affects mental health.

    • What is Mindfulness Meditation?

      The 'three-minute breathing space' exercise is a common introduction to the disciplineIntroductory courses will invite participants to sit comfortably on cushions or a chair, with an erect posture and eyes closed. A common exercise is the "three minute...

    • Could 'mulled swine' be rival to Christmas turkey?

      Mulled pig's head puts bastion of British culinary tradition under threat as cost of festive foods soarsIt might seem more suited to Halloween than Christmas, but mulled pig's head - lips smiling and snout glistening - has become the latest challenger...

    • The 250,000 Kitchen? Blame the Molecular Gastronomists

      Science-obsessed chefs spur demand for most expensive domestic kitchen designers hope will attract 50,000 buyers.It is the kind of kitchen where rustling up a plate of beans on toast would be like playing Chopsticks on a Steinway. Electrolux has launched...

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