Food Awards

Sommelier India


Content by Sommelier India

    • Avoiding Carpet Stains When Red Wine Spills

      We've been in settings where we've seen wine being spilt on a gorgeous Kashmiri carpet. Sometimes it may have even our own carpets as a dinner guest swayed a bit too fluidly to the music while holding his glass. Those carpet disasters are always bound...

    • Giving Away Your Secrets With the Wines You Drink!

      The wines you drink actually tell a lot about you. For example, drinking Pinot Noir makes you a person who is knowledgeable and with a fondness for luxuries. Pinot Noir drinkers like to charm and seduce but can also be moody. Shiraz fans on the ...

    • How do You Open a Bottle of Champagne Safely?

      The last thing you want to do is look clumsy when you're opening a bottle of Champagne this holiday season. Not only will your friends snicker but you may also lose a lot of good Champagne in the process. Here are the basic steps to ...

    • The Origins of Wine, a Persian Tale

      There are many different tales about the beginning of wine with one especially interesting tale involving the legendary Persian king, Jamshed and his harem. According to the legend the king banished one of his harem ladies from his kingdom, causing her...

    • Did You Know the History Behind Toasting?

      In ancient Greece, a dinner host would take the first sip of wine to assure guests the wine was not poisoned, hence the phrase "drinking to one's health." And "toasting" specifically started in ancient Rome when the Romans continued the Greek tradition...

    • How Well do you Know Your Wine Grapes?

      As a testament to how much of a wine geek I am, my dinning room has the popular De Long's Grape Varietal Table framed on one wall. 184 of the world's favourite grapes organised by body and acidity. It looks a lot like the Periodic ...

    • The Indianisation of Wine. Pairing Ideas

      For many in the developing world, drinking wine is a complicated process. For most here in India, the complication borders on being even scary due to the sheer expanse of the perceived fears about its mismatch with Indian food. This keeps many away, besides...

    • Does Wine Get Better With Age?

      Here's a question : Does wine get better with age ? If you've answered 'Of course stupid!', here's some news for you. Wineries in China have started scientific trials using electric fields to speed up the process of ageing wine.All it takes is one sharp...

    • What Happens to Wine When it is Cooked?

      A meal tastes better when accompanied with wine, and so do the dishes on the menu when you add a splash of wine to them. Here's how to make the most of wine in the kitchen... When wine is heated, the alcohol evaporates. So you ...

    • How Does India Rate As A Wine Drinking Culture?

      The curry shops of Southall in London are a thing of the past and Indian fine dining doesn't stop at Chicken Tikka Masala, which is often described as England's national dish. Indian food has found its place among the fine cuisines of the world. But ...

    • 3 Glasses of Wine Can Lead to Overeating

      A recent survey has found that three glasses of wine serve as the tipping point after which it is difficult for people to stop themselves from binge drinking and binge eating. Four pints of beer can have the same effect on a person as well ...

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