Are you one of those who like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, trying out new cooking techniques now and then? If you are, then you already know that there are a gazzillion gadgets out there to make your kitchen-time sassy and fun! Every year innovations and interventions in the culinary world make things easier to do around the kitchen. The gadgetry available would make anyone a star chef in no time. After all, who wouldn't love some help from a host of little gadgets and tools. If you like it fancy too, then here's a list of essential, and ultra-cool, kitchen gadgets you should get your hands on soon. Take a look.1. Self-brewing coffee mugCoffee lovers, this interesting concept will definitely interest you as much as it caught our fancy. Now you wouldn't have to wait for others to make your coffee; just go ahead and brew your own with the portable self-brewing coffee mug. All you need is hot water, coffee and this little mug. Find a compatible plug and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee from the same mug. Interesting much!
Coffee lovers, this interesting concept will definitely interest you as much as it caught our fancy
2. Air-fryerLove fried food and looking for ways to feel a little less guilty about it? An air-fryer is just the thing you were looking for. Air-fryers can be used to cook favourites like potato fries or fried chicken in a much healthier way. Air-frying, unlike regular deep-frying, uses only a couple of tablespoons of oil. But does the food really come out the way it should and taste good too? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Basically you put pieces of veggies or meat (seasoned or marinated work better) in the fryer and spray some oil, let the fryer do the rest of the job. Simple indeed!
An air-fryer is just the thing you were looking for3. Divided meal skilletWho wouldn't love to cook multiple foods on a single skillet, especially if you are pressed for time. This huge non-stick skillet distributes heat evenly, thanks to its heavy metallic base plate. The best part is, it is oven-friendly so multiple baked snacks for your guests will definitely make you the star of the party.
Who wouldn't love to cook multiple foods on a single skillet4. One click butter cutterHow annoying it is to struggle cutting your butter proportionately. Looks like we have a solution right here; the one click butter cutter helps you cut the butter evenly that can easily spread on your breads without creating a mess. All you need to do is to add a blob of butter in the cutter and press the click button to get just the right size of the butter.
How annoying it is to struggle cutting your butter proportionately5. Egg CookerMake cooking eggs easier with something like this which can boil eggs and also cook a delicious omelette for you? If that's not enough, it can also steam some vegetables and prepare hot dogs and buns easily. Why wouldn't you want to have a multi-tasker beside you, especially when you are pressed for time.
Make cooking eggs easier with something like this which can boil eggs
6. Cut resistant glovesIf you are used to cuts and bruises from your time spent in the kitchen, then cut-resistant gloves are for you. Wear these gloves and experience this pain never again. These thin yet strong gloves promise to keep your hands safe from cuts and scrapes from sharp tools. So the next time you pick your knife up, make sure you have your cut-resistant gloves on.
Wear these gloves and experience this pain never again.7. Automatic grill cleanerIt is that time of year when you would love to host grill and barbeque parties at home, but the constant cleaning and washing of your grill set could be one daunting task. Fortunately, automatic grill cleaner promises to clean all the residue and dirt from the grill and prep you up for the next party. This completely automatic cleaner needs to be kept on the grill and let it to all the work.
It is that time of year when you would love to host grill and barbeque parties at homeThese kitchen gadgets and tools are readily available in India and are becoming a part of most households. Do tell us which is your favourite pick of all?

2. Air-fryerLove fried food and looking for ways to feel a little less guilty about it? An air-fryer is just the thing you were looking for. Air-fryers can be used to cook favourites like potato fries or fried chicken in a much healthier way. Air-frying, unlike regular deep-frying, uses only a couple of tablespoons of oil. But does the food really come out the way it should and taste good too? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Basically you put pieces of veggies or meat (seasoned or marinated work better) in the fryer and spray some oil, let the fryer do the rest of the job. Simple indeed!

6. Cut resistant glovesIf you are used to cuts and bruises from your time spent in the kitchen, then cut-resistant gloves are for you. Wear these gloves and experience this pain never again. These thin yet strong gloves promise to keep your hands safe from cuts and scrapes from sharp tools. So the next time you pick your knife up, make sure you have your cut-resistant gloves on.
