Ananya Panday is ringing in her 22nd birthday today; the actress celebrated her birthday eve on the sets of 'Pati, Patni Aur Who' with co-actors Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar. In an Instagram story shared by Kartik Aaryan, we also got a sneak-peak into the cake that the actress was made to cut. The video features an excited Ananya wearing a sash, ready to cut the cake as Aaryan pulls her leg about the scale of the party. 'How do you feel, four people for your birthday', says Kartik in the background, to which Ananya retorts, 'ten people', pointing towards the onlookers and fans on set.
Kartik also pans his camera to the dense and creamy chocolate cake that was ordered for the 'Student Of The Year 2' actress. Moist and decadent looking, the cake also had some chocolate shavings on top and her name written with white cream. The simplicity of the cake is sure to remind you of some of your guilty binges.
Ananya and Kartik are having loads of foodie fun on sets of 'Pati, Patni Aur Woh'. During their Lucknow schedule, the duo was seen indulging in local delicacies like badnaam kulfi. In an interview to Pinkvilla, Ananya revealed that she is very fond of Italian food, specifically pasta.
'Pati, Patni Aur Woh' is slated to release soon. Ananya has also been roped in as a lead for 'Khali Peeli' that stars Ishaan Khattar in the lead. Here's wishing Ananya a very happy birthday!
Video credit: Instagram/@ananyacafex
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.