Illustration: Zoe More O'Ferrall for the GuardianWhen the British model and presenter is in New York, this is a favourite way to kick off her dayThe writer, presenter and fashionista splits her time between London, Paris, Los Angeles and New York " where she orders this at her local cafe.
Serves two
Beat five eggs with a splash of milk or cream and a little salt and pepper. Mash a ripe avocado, season and add a squeeze of lemon juice. Throw in a handful of crumbled tangy cheese such as goat's or feta; stir once. Toast and butter four slices of good-quality bread, and keep warm. Melt a knob of butter in a pan, add the eggs and cook, stirring, over medium-high heat so they scramble fairly fast. (This keeps them fluffy; for a creamier texture, go lower and slower.) Take off heat just before the eggs are done to your liking " they'll carry on cooking in the residual heat. Divide the avocado and cheese mix between the toast and top with the egg, a pinch of chilli flakes and more black pepper.