“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” -- Albert EinsteinWorld Earth Day is a way to celebrate the Earth. Marked on 22nd April, it reminds us about the abundance of natural resources that we have been provided with and compels us to use them sustainably. It was first commemorated back in 1950 as an annual event to get national support towards environmental safety. The idea was proposed by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin after the devastating 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California.It was established to raise the public awareness for self-consciousness. The greatest challenge of over consumption can be tackled by simply ‘giving back to Earth’. On its 45th anniversary, Earth Day Network focuses on promoting environmental awareness and developing sustainable initiatives. That’s why their theme this year is ‘It’s Our Turn to Lead’.
To honor this global observance, a new Google Doodle has been created that comes with a fun quiz. The doodle features a spinning globe with animal animations inside each of its letters. It takes you to a quiz where people can find out 'what animal are you?'.How can you help? By understanding the journey of your food – from farm to fork and back to the soil. By having the knowledge and ability to make more informed choices to support your health, community and the environment.It’s time to move beyond recycling and bring about a deeper change. Take our quiz to see where you stand and what you need to learn to reduce the impact. We believe, earth day is every day.1. Which kitchen appliance uses the most energy?
A. Refrigerator
B. Toaster
C. Oven
D. Microwave2. Composting can help reduce household waste, but which one of these should not be used?
A. Egg shells
B. Meat trimmings
C. Fruit Peels
D. Seeds3. Everything you eat on a raw food diet should be cold. True or False?4. The __________ industry generates nearly one-fifth of the man-made greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
A. Meat
B. Dairy
C. Processed Food5. Which of the following accounts for the largest portion of carbon footprint when it comes to food?
A. Processing
B. Transportation
C. Cooking
D. Waste disposal
6. If a food label says ‘organic’, what does it mean?
A. It contains no genetically modified organisms
B. It was produced using the best sustainable agricultural methods.
C. It is free of antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides
D. All of the above7. Which movement encourages us to buy local produce and make home cooked meals?
A. Slow Food
B. Organic
C. Biodynamic8. If not packaged properly, canned foods are vulnerable to what type of bacteria?
A. E. Coli
B. Salmonella
C. Botulinum
D. Campylobacter9. Washing your fruits and vegetables with a mix of water and __________ can help remove pesticide residues.
A. Lime
B. Baking Soda
C. Sugar
D. Vinegar10. Junk food promotes overeating because -
A. It offers more calories in small quantities
B. It’s low in fiber
C. It’s high in fat, sugar and salt
D. It tastes goodAnswers: 1(A), 2(B), 3(False), 4(A), 5(A), 6(D), 7(A), 8(C), 9(D), 10(C)
To honor this global observance, a new Google Doodle has been created that comes with a fun quiz. The doodle features a spinning globe with animal animations inside each of its letters. It takes you to a quiz where people can find out 'what animal are you?'.How can you help? By understanding the journey of your food – from farm to fork and back to the soil. By having the knowledge and ability to make more informed choices to support your health, community and the environment.It’s time to move beyond recycling and bring about a deeper change. Take our quiz to see where you stand and what you need to learn to reduce the impact. We believe, earth day is every day.1. Which kitchen appliance uses the most energy?
A. Refrigerator
B. Toaster
C. Oven
D. Microwave2. Composting can help reduce household waste, but which one of these should not be used?
A. Egg shells
B. Meat trimmings
C. Fruit Peels
D. Seeds3. Everything you eat on a raw food diet should be cold. True or False?4. The __________ industry generates nearly one-fifth of the man-made greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
A. Meat
B. Dairy
C. Processed Food5. Which of the following accounts for the largest portion of carbon footprint when it comes to food?
A. Processing
B. Transportation
C. Cooking
D. Waste disposal

A. It contains no genetically modified organisms
B. It was produced using the best sustainable agricultural methods.
C. It is free of antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides
D. All of the above7. Which movement encourages us to buy local produce and make home cooked meals?
A. Slow Food
B. Organic
C. Biodynamic8. If not packaged properly, canned foods are vulnerable to what type of bacteria?
A. E. Coli
B. Salmonella
C. Botulinum
D. Campylobacter9. Washing your fruits and vegetables with a mix of water and __________ can help remove pesticide residues.
A. Lime
B. Baking Soda
C. Sugar
D. Vinegar10. Junk food promotes overeating because -
A. It offers more calories in small quantities
B. It’s low in fiber
C. It’s high in fat, sugar and salt
D. It tastes goodAnswers: 1(A), 2(B), 3(False), 4(A), 5(A), 6(D), 7(A), 8(C), 9(D), 10(C)
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