World Earth Day 2019 is being observed around the globe today and the theme for the day is 'protect our species'. The day is observed to raise awareness about various environmental issues and to urge people to take care of our finite resources and to save them for the future generations. According to the official website of Earth Day, the first time that the day was observed was on April 22nd, 1970, when millions of people had taken to the streets to protest the harmful impact of industrialisation on the environment. The website further says that World Earth Day is now an event that is observed in 192 countries around the globe and over one billion people participate in events related to it. The day is to remind people of the power of political will and civic action in raising ecological awareness. 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day.
World Earth Day 2019: How To Practice Sustainability In The Kitchen
There are small and big steps that all of us can take on a daily basis, in order to save precious natural resources. Even doing the bare minimum on a day-to-day basis may make a big difference. One of the places that we can make more 'ecologically-forward' choices is the kitchen. There are several ways of achieving a green kitchen and reducing the carbon footprint of your kitchen and although these may take some time in getting used to, they will be worth it, in the long run.
Also Read: 10 Food Habits You Can Change To Save The Earth
World Healthy Day 2019: Here are some ways to make your kitchen greener and reduce its carbon footprint-
1. Grow Your Own Veggies
Try to grow as many vegetables and herbs as you can grow in your kitchen garden. Setting up a kitchen garden requires minimal space, time and energy and the returns are endless. All you need is a window sill or any corner where the plants can get direct sunlight and yet be protected against birds and pests. Growing your own kitchen and herbs can assure you of the quality and will give you chemical-free organic food.
Also Read: 5 Natural Pesticides You Could Use To Grow Your Own Kitchen Garden

2. Choose Your Appliances Wisely
Choose appliances that use minimum amount of electricity, heat and water while cooking food. Energy-efficient appliances can help you save money on electricity bills and will also make your kitchen greener. Use microwave, instead of oven as the former is more energy efficient. Also unplug your appliances when you're not using them and make sure you adopt measures to increase the life of your appliances.
3. Reduce Wastage Of Food
Cook only as much as you can finish the same day. If you do have leftovers, try and fashion them into fresh meals the next day. Cultivating crops is a resource and energy-intensive process and food wastage can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Shop for ingredients realistically and make sure you adopt the right storage practices to improve the shelf life of foods.
Also Read: How To Avoid Food Wastage: 7 Easy Ways To Reduce Food Waste And Save Money
4. Choose Cooking Methods That Save Gas and Water
Just small measures like covering the lid while cooking and adopting cooking methods that utilise less water can go a long way in reducing the carbon footprint of your kitchen. Try and eat less dairy and meat as livestock rearing is a resource-intensive process.
Also Read: Shelf Life Of Common Foods: Toss Or Keep?
5. Adopt Root-To-Stem Cooking
Root-to-stem is a method of cooking that utilises all parts of the plant, instead of throwing the stems and leaves away. If you cannot use your stems, leaves and roots in cooking, consider composting them instead. This compost can serve as organic fertiliser for your kitchen garden.
Also Read: Root To Stem: Eating Fruits & Vegetables With Peels, Stems, Leaves Is Now A Food Trend!

Additionally, you should get your plumbing checked and get all your leaks fixed, in order to reduce water wastage. Instead of buying groceries in plastic bags, consider switching to cloth bags and biodegradable bags. In the beginning, you may face some inconveniences while making your kitchen greener as it will certainly take more effort, but once you start following the above steps consistently, you will feel much more positive about yourself and will also hopefully end up inspiring the future generations to live sustainably.
About Sakshita KhoslaSakshita loves the finer things in life including food, books and coffee, and is motivated by self-indulgence and her love for words. When not writing, she can be found huddled in the corner of a cosy cafe with a good book, caffeine and her own thoughts for company.