It's natural for us to eat the fruit and throw away the peel right? That's what we have always been doing. But, turns out that the skin/peel of a lot of fruits actually has as many benefits (if not more) as the fruit itself. As ideas like sustainable cooking and decreasing food wastage are on a rise, it's only right for us to see if we can try and reuse these peels, which would otherwise be thrown away as fruit scraps. While on the lookout for such recipes we came across this extremely delicious and beneficial anti-inflammatory tea made with pineapple skin.

(Also read: Looking For Weight Loss Recipes? Try This Easy Pineapple And Carrot Poppy Salad)
Yes, you heard us right; the rough and sturdy exteriors of the pineapple can be used in many ways other than being thrown in your garbage bins. The pineapple fruit and peel have a high amount of Vitamin C, the nutrient that helps in boosting immunity. The other extremely beneficial enzyme found in Pineapple peel is Bromelain that is known to cut down inflammation in the body. According to the many research conducted by Kerala Agricultural University, " Bromelain has a wide variety of health benefits - Excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation of blood and certain types of unnatural mass growth may all be reduced by therapeutic doses of bromelain when taken as a dietary supplement". This pineapple tea is healthy, easy, and tastes just divine, give it a try with this recipe.
How To Make Anti-Inflammatory Pineapple Peel Tea l Anti-Inflammatory Pineapple Peel Tea
To make the tea get freshly cut pineapple skin and thoroughly wash it. In a pan add the clean pineapple peels, some ginger, cloves, and other ingredients. Add water and let it boil for 15 minutes. Strain the pineapple tea and let it cool before consuming it.
Click here for the detailed recipe of anti-inflammatory pineapple peel tea.
(Alos read :7 Incredible Pineapple Benefits: From Promoting Eye Health To Burning Fat)
You can have the anti-inflammatory tea twice a day and store it around a week in the fridge. Let us know how you liked the recipe in the comments below.