Jackie was also surprised by her mother, who decided to drop by at the location of the shoot and even brought her some delicious Easter treats. Have a look!Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez's Diet and Workout Mantras You Must Steal

We don't know where those buns came from, but don't they look absolutely delicious? Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday in several Christian-majority countries like the UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and some parts of the USA. In case you were wondering, the cross on top of the buns represents the holy cross of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the day that is commemorated as Good Friday.Also Read: Easter 2018: Interesting Ways To Decorate Eggs This Easter!
Since Good Friday precedes Easter - the day when Jesus was resurrected - the buns are also served during the festivities sometimes. With Good Friday and Easter just around the corner, Jackie's mother surprised her with a basket full of the buns! Isn't that incredibly sweet? The buns are made from sweet and spiced dough that also often has raisins and currants. These cakes are eaten after Christians break their month-long fast during Lent and also during Christmas and New Year's.