Think weight loss and you are bound to picture a few weeks of strict diet and an even stricter fitness regimen. While your perception is not entirely wrong, but we must tell you that the intensity of your workout and your dietary preferences are entirely your call. In fact, according to many nutritionists you must start slow. There is no point in shocking your body, as that increases chances of relapse. Start with gradual healthy choices, cut back on sugar, opt for whole grain foods, steer clear of junk and processed foods and very importantly, hydrate yourself. Many a times, our brain inter-mixes the signals of hunger and thirst. You feel you need to tuck into something good and yummy whereas you are actually just thirsty. So make sure you keep sipping into your water bottle to avoid dehydration and mixed signals. If water is getting boring for you, there are several other ways to stay hydrated. Homemade fresh juices, for instance, could help steady inflow of nutrients and also keep excess calories at bay. Unlike sodas, cold beverages and other market-based sweet drinks, the homemade juices do not contain any artificial sugar or sweetener, thereby becoming a healthy addition to your weight loss diet.

Although, many nutritionists claim that eating whole fruits is better than juicing them. Juicing fruits may cost you weight-loss-friendly fibres, but homemade juice is one of the healthiest alternatives to drinks found in market. They save you calories and if you make them pulpy, it may also help fill you up. The best part about juice is that you can always play around with ingredients and blend any two things you want (or more).
Cucumber And Kiwi Juice For Weight Loss
This cucumber and kiwi juice is a refreshing concoction of all things summery and fresh. Cucumber is a cooling veggie that is all water and nutrients. Did you know that 96 percent of cucumber is just water? Cucumber is also called a negative calorie food as 100 grams of the veggie contains only 16 calories. Kiwi, on the other hand, is teeming with vital antioxidants and vitamins. It is also packed with fibres that help keep you full and keep you from bingeing. It helps regulate blood sugar. If your insulin is working at regular pace, you crave less. Kiwi also contains zero sugar and fat.
Try drinking this juice in the morning; drink it fresh for best benefits.