Popular TV actor Ram Kapoor is looking forward to an exciting experience as the host of new reality show "Welcome: Baazi Mehmaan Naawazi Ki", the Indian version of British reality show "Come Dine With Me"."I am extremely excited to host 'Welcome...'. It is a never seen before kind of a reality show and I am glad to be a part of it. I hope the audience enjoy this experience," Ram said in a statement.The show, to be aired on Life Ok, features an ensemble of popular celebrities from TV and beyond, and tests their hosting, entertainment and culinary skills. Each week, five celebrities will get together at the house of one member of each group.
The task of that member is not just to cook a complete three course meal but also keep the guests entertained and engaged. After dinner, the guests judge that particular host on categories of food, entertainment value and hosting skills.This is Ram's second stint as a host. He had earlier anchored reality show "Ratan Ka Rishta". On the fiction space, Ram is currently seen on "Bade Achche Lagte Hain".
The task of that member is not just to cook a complete three course meal but also keep the guests entertained and engaged. After dinner, the guests judge that particular host on categories of food, entertainment value and hosting skills.This is Ram's second stint as a host. He had earlier anchored reality show "Ratan Ka Rishta". On the fiction space, Ram is currently seen on "Bade Achche Lagte Hain".
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