How to Stop Sneezing: 6 Home Remedies for Instant Relief

How to Stop Sneezing: 6 Home Remedies for Instant Relief


  • The act of sneezing is a physiological process
  • One does not only sneeze when suffering from a cold
  • Sneezing could be allergic or infectious
As annoying as it is to be under the sneezing spell, which could continue for minutes and minutes nonstop, sneezing is necessary for our body as it helps us stay healthy. It is an involuntary action which acts as a defense mechanism of the body. When any kind of bacteria or virus enters our nasal lining, the brain responds to it. The act of sneezing is this reflex response, when our nose protects us from external germs or any other unwanted particles.The act of sneezing is a physiological process involving the movement of various muscles of the human body like the muscles of the vocal cord, the abdominal muscles and so on. It is important to note that, one does not only sneeze when suffering from a cold. There are innumerable other factors that cause the individual to sneeze. This could range from an allergy to "photic sneezers" who sneeze when they come in contact with sunshine.According to some research studies, sometimes plucking one's eyebrows urges him or her to sneeze. This is common among quite a large number of people. Unfortunately, some people are allergic to chocolate and that makes them sneeze too. There are seasonal allergies as well. Fall time makes some people sneeze. Hay fever is very common. Thus being aware of your allergy and taking the necessary precautions is essential.

Home Remedies to Stop Sneezing

There is countless number of myths attached to sneezing. It is commonly believes that if you sneeze, someone is thinking of you. In northern parts of India, if you sneeze just before leaving your house, it is considered a sign of bad luck. Don't go by folklore, it is just a natural process of the body.Dr. Anju Sood, a Bangalore-based Nutritionist, categorises sneezing into two, "it could be allergic or infectious," she says. Treatment for the different types varies. The best part being, both kinds can be treated naturally, at home.Here's our guide to get rid of the awkward, embarrassing situation of continuous sneezing for seconds at an end:1. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit and so on, contain certain plant chemicals called flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help in building the immune system of the body. They help one fight against unwanted bacteria causing cold and other allergies. Thus, these fruits must be consumed everyday, in order to remain healthy.
2. AmlaAmla is a great source of antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties, which help build our immunity. It could be taken in the form of a juice or eaten fresh. Having amla two to three times a day instantly improves one's sneezing condition.
3. Black Cardamom
There are various health benefits of consuming black cardamoms, the aromatic spice, which is commonly used in Indian cooking. It must be chewed two to three times a day to get rid of sneezing. The oil of black cardamom is very effective as it helps normalise mucous flow through the respiratory tract. Simply massaging it helps improve the state of the individual.
4. GingerGinger contains anti-septic properties and acts as a decongestant that helps cure the cold. Cut a 3-inch piece of ginger and mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey. Put it in boiling hot water and sip daily before bedtime for instant relief.
5. Tulsi
Apart from being a sacred Indian plant, Tulsi has multiple health benefits. Tulsi leaves have powerful antibacterial properties that can fight off a range of dangerous infections. Boil a cup of water with 3-4 Tulsi leaves. Consume the mixture daily before bed time for 2-3 days and notice the difference.
6. Sitopaladi ChurnaIt is an Ayurvedic medicine, which has anti-histaminic properties. It is known to cure congestion and is believed to treat respiratory issues. In one teaspoon of honey, mix half teaspoon of sitopaladi churna powder and take it 2-3 times a day in order to feel better.Note: For allergy-related sneezing, stay away from places that are highly polluted and prone to pollen, dust and other allergy causing substances. Use a mask in case your presence in such environments is absolutely necessary.
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