It was also found that women whose body-weight gain was under 0.19kgs per year were able to maintain a healthy weight later in life. The study was presented at the European Congress of Obesity in Portugal and studied women ageing 18-23 years.(Also Read: 13 Effective Tips to Control Obesity)

Smoking, use of oral contraceptives or turbulence in married life such as divorce, death of a partner or separation were also found as some of the contributory factors in weight gain in women. Some of the most recent studies link obesity in women - especially abdominal obesity - with metabolic issues like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Obesity is also one of the major causes of postmenopausal breast and endometrial cancer.
"Obesity is associated with elevated mortality from all causes in both men and women, and the risk of death rises with increasing weight. Curbing the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes calls for not only changes in diet and lifestyle at individual levels but also changes in policy, physical and social environment, and cultural norms," a study published in US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.