Food Awards


Aslam - 14 News Result(s)
  • Butter Cream Chicken: The New Face of Food near Jama Masjid, Delhi
    Butter Cream Chicken: The New Face of Food near Jama Masjid, Delhi

    Karims and Al-Jawahar are no longer the face of food in Jama Masjid. For tourists, they still are for sure, but no longer for most locals or food enthusiasts.

  • Ever Wondered Why Milk Is White? The Answer Will Surprise You.
    Ever Wondered Why Milk Is White? The Answer Will Surprise You.

    The white color of milk is one of its most distinctive properties. Ever wondered why Milk is white? It has the same scientific reason as the color white but its chemical compounds too contribute in ...

  • Is Eating Carbs At Night Healthy?
    Is Eating Carbs At Night Healthy?

    If you think only cakes, cookies and processed foods are carbs, then you are wrong as there are two types carbs, i.e complex carbs which is beneficial for the body and simple carbs which are ...

  • Health Benefits Of Corn, Nothing Corny Here
    Health Benefits Of Corn, Nothing Corny Here

    Corn is usually considered a vegetable but it is actually a grain, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • 9 Worst Food Plating Ideas
    9 Worst Food Plating Ideas

    Food platting or presentation is one of the most important things along with taste to be kept in mind before serving guests, as it portrays the theme and environment of a restaurant.

  • Is Storing Food In Plastic Containers Safe? 2 Things You Should Never Do.
    Is Storing Food In Plastic Containers Safe? 2 Things You Should Never Do.

    A party at home will usually leave you with enough leftovers to last a few days. Chances are you will store them in a variety of plastic boxes and stack them in your fridge to ...

  • Is Cottage Cheese Different From Other Types of Cheese?
    Is Cottage Cheese Different From Other Types of Cheese?

    A milk derived food, cheese is produced in many different varieties; different in their styles, textures and flavors depending on the pasteurization, butterfat content, processing and ageing. Usually cheeses are categorized in two different types, ...

  • How Does Aluminum Foil Keep The Food Warm? And Is It Safe?
    How Does Aluminum Foil Keep The Food Warm? And Is It Safe?

    Have you ever wondered how aluminum foils keep the food warm and are they safe to store food for longer periods of time?

  • 5 Unhygienic Practices At Restaurants. You Want To Read This.
    5 Unhygienic Practices At Restaurants. You Want To Read This.

    To celebrate our success, for a date with a beloved, to spend time with our family, or simply to indulge in our favorite foods. And when it comes to ordering food, we all have our ...

  • Butter Or Oil: Which Is Better?
    Butter Or Oil: Which Is Better?

    Oil and butter are widely used in kitchens across the world to come up with a variety of mouth-watering delicacies. They impart taste and flavour and are not entirely interchangeable.

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