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Cough remedies

'Cough Remedies' - 14 New Result(s)
  • Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients
    Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients

    Natural Cough Remedy: So, the next time you feel a cough coming on, skip the pharmacy and try this quick, two-ingredient recipe.

  • Scared Of Sore Throat? 5 Winter-Special Recipes To Keep You Warm
    Scared Of Sore Throat? 5 Winter-Special Recipes To Keep You Warm

    Winter-Special Recipes: Here we have compiled a list of some winter beverages that may help ward off cough and keep you hale and hearty in winter.

  • Is Licorice (Mulethi) Good For Indigestion? The Answer May Surprise You
    Is Licorice (Mulethi) Good For Indigestion? The Answer May Surprise You

    Mulethi is a herb used in making cough candies along with various dishes and beverages . It can also help with gastrointestinal disorders, cold and cough, excessive sugar and blood pressure.

  • Nutritionist Lavleen Kaur Shares Remedies To Tackle Monsoon Flu
    Nutritionist Lavleen Kaur Shares Remedies To Tackle Monsoon Flu

    Nutritionist Lavleen Kaur shares recipes to prepare monsoon remedies on Instagram.  

  • Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With These Homemade Cough Drops
    Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With These Homemade Cough Drops

    As the season changes, we might face the regular cold and cough, which can be challenging to deal with. So, if you are looking for a way to soothe your symptoms, try these homemade cough ...

  • Cold Wave: Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With This Quick Home Remedy
    Cold Wave: Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With This Quick Home Remedy

    To deal with the seasonal flu, boosting our immunity is of utmost importance. This home remedy may ease your throat and strengthen your immune system. Read on to know the recipe.

  • Dealing With Persistent Cough? Stop Making These 5 Diet Mistakes
    Dealing With Persistent Cough? Stop Making These 5 Diet Mistakes

    Persistent Cough: Yes, some diet mistakes can hamper your journey to recovery from cough. Read on to check if you are making these mistakes, and STOP!

  • Mulethi And Saunf Kadha: An Effective Cold And Cough Remedy Shared By Expert
    Mulethi And Saunf Kadha: An Effective Cold And Cough Remedy Shared By Expert

    Nutritionist shares a simple home remedy that will help you deal with common seasonal infections like cold and cough.

  • 7 Home Remedies That May Help Ease Dry Throat
    7 Home Remedies That May Help Ease Dry Throat

    Dry throat is a common thing that occurs when the season changes. Try these home remedies which can help to ease out dry throat.

  • How To Make Ginger And Honey Candies To Soothe Cold, Cough And Sore Throat
    How To Make Ginger And Honey Candies To Soothe Cold, Cough And Sore Throat

    Home Remedies: The combination of honey and ginger will keep you warm while also providing your body with essential nutrients. Take a look

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