
Gluten allergies

'Gluten Allergies' - 12 New Result(s)
  • Celiac Disease or Gluten Allergy: Who Does It Affect and How Can You Detect It?
    Celiac Disease or Gluten Allergy: Who Does It Affect and How Can You Detect It?

    The first thing to understand about Celiac disease is that it is an autoimmune disorder, which can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage of the small intestine.

  • 10 Everyday Ingredients with Hidden Gluten
    10 Everyday Ingredients with Hidden Gluten

    Here is a list of products to avoid for those suffering from gluten allergy

  • Frequent Infections During Infancy May Lead to Gluten Allergy
    Frequent Infections During Infancy May Lead to Gluten Allergy

    Infections during early life could also be associated with increased risk of gluten intolerance or celiac disease later in life, says a study.

  • Can't Digest Gluten? Here's Why You Might Need To Go Gluten-Free (And When You Don't!)
    Can't Digest Gluten? Here's Why You Might Need To Go Gluten-Free (And When You Don't!)

    Is gluten really bad for you? Let's dive into the science behind gluten and whether you should go gluten-free.

  • Bon Voyage: 10 Smart Tips for Travelling Gluten Free
    Bon Voyage: 10 Smart Tips for Travelling Gluten Free

    Traveling when you are -gluten free- can sometimes make you fret. It seems stressful at first. The solution to it however is very simple. Here are 10 smart tips -

  • Is Gluten Free Diet Real or a Fad?
    Is Gluten Free Diet Real or a Fad?

    So many people think being 'gluten free' is a choice, but that is far from the truth. Gluten intolerance or Celiac disease affects a large number of people worldwide.

  • 5 Things You are Doing Wrong with Your Gluten Free Diet
    5 Things You are Doing Wrong with Your Gluten Free Diet

    Here are five things you might be doing wrong or may have overlooked as unimportant while following a gluten free diet.

  • Experts Reveal Why People With Celiac Disease Suffer So Early After Consuming Gluten
    Experts Reveal Why People With Celiac Disease Suffer So Early After Consuming Gluten

    Gluten: According to a new research, here is why people with celiac disease get nauseous within one or two hours of having gluten.

  • Celiac Disease: Excess Intake Of Gluten In Early Life Linked To Risk Of The Disease
    Celiac Disease: Excess Intake Of Gluten In Early Life Linked To Risk Of The Disease

    Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that causes an impact on the small intestines and intake of excess gluten during the first five years of your life is associated with the likelihood of developing this ...

  • Gluten-Free Labelled Food At Restaurants Not Free Of Gluten: Study
    Gluten-Free Labelled Food At Restaurants Not Free Of Gluten: Study

    According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, more than half of gluten-free pizza and pasta dishes in restaurants tested positive for the presence of gluten.

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