This age-old hamburger was bought by a US man, named David Whipple, on 7th July 1999 from his local McDonald's in Logan, Utah, for a measly 79 cents.
Craving for Hamburgers? All you need is a insanely big fat 10,000 calorie hamburger at the Heart Attack Grill Restaurant!
In the heart of what might be the most celebrated cuisine in the world, a curious thing is happening: people are clamoring for an unglamorous American food. "Le hamburger," as it's called in France.
Every Western city's food scene seems slowly to be turning into a carbon copy of every other: The same global fast-food chains selling hamburgers and fried chicken with only modest concessions to local tastes.
A man reported disturbing symptoms of high cholesterol after following a carnivore diet for 8 months.
The food of the future could do with a pinch of seasoning -- and maybe some cheese.Two volunteers who took the first public bites of hamburger grown in a laboratory gave it good marks for ...
The world's largest hamburger chain reported falling earnings and sales for its fourth quarter on Friday and says it is going to take action this year to save money and bring customers back.
Burger King sales rose 1.7 percent at established stores around the world. In the same period a year ago, the hamburger chain reported a 6.2 percent increase in sales.
Matt Stonie, a popular competitive eater from the USA, recently participated in the Octuple Bypass challenge at Heart Attack Grill - a hamburger restaurant in Las Vegas.
In a viral video, a woman showcases the burger's incredible condition by revealing the buns with no mould or rot and the patty inside perfectly preserved.