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'Hemoglobin' - 12 New Result(s)
  • How to Increase Haemoglobin: 7 Natural Ways To Improve Haemoglobin
    How to Increase Haemoglobin: 7 Natural Ways To Improve Haemoglobin

    Want to learn how to increase haemoglobin? We've spoken to experts and listed 7 natural ways to restore your haemoglobin to normal levels, from eating iron-rich foods to avoiding iron blockers.

  • Fruits for Anaemia: Load Up on these 6 Fruits to Boost Your Haemoglobin
    Fruits for Anaemia: Load Up on these 6 Fruits to Boost Your Haemoglobin

    Lesser amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin or iron means that your body is not getting enough oxygen, resulting in dysfunction of various organs. There can be various causes of anaemia, which may include ...

  • Low On Energy? 4 Vegetarian Superfoods to Elevate Hemoglobin Levels
    Low On Energy? 4 Vegetarian Superfoods to Elevate Hemoglobin Levels

    Low haemoglobin level poses a risk to your health. These expert-suggested foods may help.

  • Secret To Maintain Iron Level In Body Is An Iron Kadhai - Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Reveals
    Secret To Maintain Iron Level In Body Is An Iron Kadhai - Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Reveals

    Cooking in iron utensils may have multiple health benefits. Rujuta Diwekar speaks at length on the benefits and uses of these utensils.

  • 10 Ways Iron Deficiency Could Be Slowing Down Your Life
    10 Ways Iron Deficiency Could Be Slowing Down Your Life

    It you feel tired and drained of energy all the time, don't just blame it on stress but check your haemoglobin level. Iron deficiency can lead to various changes in our body.

  • Anaemia May Contribute To The Spread Of Dengue: Eat These 5 Foods To Combat Anaemia
    Anaemia May Contribute To The Spread Of Dengue: Eat These 5 Foods To Combat Anaemia

    Since mosquitoes mostly spread dengue virus while feeding on iron-deficit blood, a new study suggests consuming iron-rich food if dealing with iron deficiency, anaemia or dengue fever.

  • Anaemia Common Among Affluent North Indian Children: Study
    Anaemia Common Among Affluent North Indian Children: Study

    Anaemia is a blood disorder that is caused by a nutritional deficiency or blood loss. Typically, red blood cells (RBC) carry oxygen through the body using a protein called 'hemoglobin' and any shortage of the ...

  • Anemia: Signs, Symptoms, Deficiency, Diagnosis, Causes and Prevention
    Anemia: Signs, Symptoms, Deficiency, Diagnosis, Causes and Prevention

    Here are the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, causes and prevention of anemia. What is anemia? It is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic ...

  • Anemia Tied to Worse Survival Odds After Stroke
    Anemia Tied to Worse Survival Odds After Stroke

    Some older adults with anemia may fare worse after a stroke, a study suggests, although the reason and the right treatment are still unclear.

  • World Blood Donor Day: Who Can Donate Blood?
    World Blood Donor Day: Who Can Donate Blood?

    World Blood Donor Day is commemorated every year on 14th June. It is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization(WHO) to raise awareness about the need for ...

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