Food Awards

Restaurant owner

'Restaurant Owner' - 35 New Result(s)
  • Restaurant Owner's Strong Reply To Freeloading Influencer Made Internet Sit Up
    Restaurant Owner's Strong Reply To Freeloading Influencer Made Internet Sit Up

    A restaurant owner shared a strongly worded response to an influencer, who was offering him a 'collab' for a free meal in exchange for social media posts.

  • Viral Video Shows Restaurant Owner Denying Food To Vlogger - Here's Why
    Viral Video Shows Restaurant Owner Denying Food To Vlogger - Here's Why

    A recent video circulating online shows a food vlogger being denied service at a restaurant after the owner spotted him filming, leading to a heated exchange.

  • Delhi Restaurants Now Open 24x7: Restaurant Owners Are Elated; See Their Reactions
    Delhi Restaurants Now Open 24x7: Restaurant Owners Are Elated; See Their Reactions

    Delhi Government decided to help revive the food industry and has now allowed the restaurants to run round the clock. Restaurants welcome the decision.

  • Indian Restaurant Owner Fined in Scotland
    Indian Restaurant Owner Fined in Scotland

    An Indian restaurant owner in Scotland has been fined 770 pounds by a UK court for breaching food hygiene standards.

  • Restaurant Owner Responds To People Eating Leftover Pizza From Garbage
    Restaurant Owner Responds To People Eating Leftover Pizza From Garbage

    A Reddit user shared a picture of a warm message posted outside the pizza restaurant and it led to some sweet and funny banter.

  • Restaurateur Helps A Man Raise Money For Sick Mother's Trip; The Story Will Melt Your Heart
    Restaurateur Helps A Man Raise Money For Sick Mother's Trip; The Story Will Melt Your Heart

    A restaurant owner rushed his food truck to help a man sell cheesesteaks to fulfil his mother's dream. This heart-warming story will win you over.

  • Japanese Restaurant Owner Offers Rs 58,000 To Track Down Customers Over Bad Review
    Japanese Restaurant Owner Offers Rs 58,000 To Track Down Customers Over Bad Review

    A ramen restaurant owner in Japan sparked controversy after he threatened two customers on social media for giving his restaurant a one-star rating. The restaurant issued an apology later.

  • Customer Claims Fake Pizza Order Refund; Owner Teaches Him A Lesson
    Customer Claims Fake Pizza Order Refund; Owner Teaches Him A Lesson

    In recent bizarre news, a customer claimed that he did not receive his pizza order. What the restaurant owner did next will leave you shocked!

  • Two Groups Clash At Gurugram Restaurant, Police Arrests Three People Including Owner
    Two Groups Clash At Gurugram Restaurant, Police Arrests Three People Including Owner

    Around two dozen men had created a ruckus at the 'Roti Boti' restaurant located in the old jail complex near Sohna Chowk on Monday night.

  • Restaurant Owner Drives 6 Hours To Cook Cancer Patient's Favourite Dish, See Viral Post
    Restaurant Owner Drives 6 Hours To Cook Cancer Patient's Favourite Dish, See Viral Post

    Viral Post: A man reached out to a US restaurant for his ailing mother-in-law's favourite dish, and their response is winning hearts on the internet.

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