
Anxiety disorders

'Anxiety Disorders' - 10 New Result(s)
  • Anxiety-Related Spectrum Disorder Identified
    Anxiety-Related Spectrum Disorder Identified

    US researchers have proposed the existence of a spectrum syndrome comprising a core anxiety disorder and four related domains.

  • Learning About Anxiety Disorders
    Learning About Anxiety Disorders

    People with GAD can't seem to get rid of their concerns, even though they usually realize that their anxiety is more intense than the situation warrants

  • 6 Ways Good Parents Contribute to their Child's Anxiety
    6 Ways Good Parents Contribute to their Child's Anxiety

    The number of children dealing with anxiety has been increasing steadily for decades, with up to 25 percent of teenagers now suffering from diagnosable anxiety disorders.

  • Women and Young Adults at High Risk of Anxiety: Study
    Women and Young Adults at High Risk of Anxiety: Study

    A new study done by the University of Cambridge states that women, as well as young adults, are twice as likely to experience anxiety as men.

  • Yoga May Help Overcome Anxiety Disorders
    Yoga May Help Overcome Anxiety Disorders

    Stress, fear and anxiety have become a part of our daily lives. Studies have shown that taking too much stress may lead to anxiety disorders and serious mental illnesses. But, certain lifestyle changes may help ...

  • Eating Less Fruits And Vegetables Linked To Anxiety Disorder: Study
    Eating Less Fruits And Vegetables Linked To Anxiety Disorder: Study

    Emerging research suggests that some anxiety disorders couldbe linked to inflammation. Your diet plays a huge role in controlling inflammation.

  • Should You Tell Your Boss About Mental Illness? Absolutely
    Should You Tell Your Boss About Mental Illness? Absolutely

    Ruby Wax's advice threatens to reverse the progress many employers have made on this delicate issue.

  • Depression May Up Risk of Arthritis, Stomach Problems: Study
    Depression May Up Risk of Arthritis, Stomach Problems: Study

    Arthritis and diseases of the digestive system are more common after depression, while anxiety disorders tend to be followed by skin diseases, a new study has warned.

  • How To Deal With Anxiety? 9 Foods To Manage Anxiety Naturally - Expert Reveals
    How To Deal With Anxiety? 9 Foods To Manage Anxiety Naturally - Expert Reveals

    It is proven that when we are stressed, we land up eating the wrong food for comfort. So, why not make the best use of this and choose the right foods that can help calm ...

  • Lack of Sleep May Put Your Child at Depression Risk
    Lack of Sleep May Put Your Child at Depression Risk

    Children who experience inadequate or disrupted sleep are more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders later in life, suggests a new research.

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