Food Awards

Athletic performance

'Athletic Performance' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Consuming Potato Puree May Boost Athletic Performance During Prolonged Exercise: Study
    Consuming Potato Puree May Boost Athletic Performance During Prolonged Exercise: Study

    The study has said that consuming potato puree during prolonged periods of exercise may help boost athletic performance.

  • Sip Away: A Cup of Coffee to Improve Your Athletic Performance
    Sip Away: A Cup of Coffee to Improve Your Athletic Performance

    It has been deemed to be an ergogenic (energy generating) aid in endurance sports but the health related to caffeine use have been controversial.

  • How does alcohol affect your athletic performance?
    How does alcohol affect your athletic performance?

    The odd drink won't send you off course, but any more than that and it's one step forward, two steps backWhen preparing for a big race like a marathon, it's easy to see alcohol as ...

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