

Cholestrol - 72 News Result(s)
  • High Cholesterol Can Cause Bone Loss
    High Cholesterol Can Cause Bone Loss

    High cholesterol, which is a known factor for the decrease in heart health may harm more than our cardiovascular systems and lead to bone loss, say researchers including one of Indian-origin.

  • 5 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol
    5 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol

    Here are five foods that can raise your bad cholesterol levels and you must avoid them if you have high cholesterol.

  • 10 Magical Benefits of Onions That Keep the Doctor Away
    10 Magical Benefits of Onions That Keep the Doctor Away

    An accompaniment on every North Indian plate, any meal is incomplete without raw onions. Thus, these abundant benefits come as no surprise.

  • New Initiative Promises Diabetics Better Control on the Disease
    New Initiative Promises Diabetics Better Control on the Disease

    A new Multi-Component Diabetes Quality Improvement (QI) initiative can help patients with diabetes double their likelihood of controlling the disease.

  • New Initiative Shows Path to Better Diabetes Control
    New Initiative Shows Path to Better Diabetes Control

    A low-cost healthcare model involving non-physician workers using computer tools can help diabetes patients double their likelihood of controlling the disease.

  • U.S. Heart Group Sets Limit On Sugar for Kids and Teens
    U.S. Heart Group Sets Limit On Sugar for Kids and Teens

    Until age 2, children should consume no added sugars at all, and between ages 2 and 18 they should limit added sugars to 25 grams per day, the organization says.

  • Screening Infants Could Prevent Early Heart Attacks: Study
    Screening Infants Could Prevent Early Heart Attacks: Study

    Screening young children for high cholesterol at the same time as they receive routine vaccinations could prevent hundreds of heart attacks in young adults each year, researchers in Britain said Wednesday.

  • Women May Get Misleading Results From Treadmill Stress Tests
    Women May Get Misleading Results From Treadmill Stress Tests

    Traditional treadmill tests used to estimate heart disease risk might not provide accurate results for women, a recent study suggests.

  • High 'Good Cholesterol' May Not Reduce Heart Disease Risk
    High 'Good Cholesterol' May Not Reduce Heart Disease Risk

    Raising 'good cholesterol' levels may not be as effective as lowering 'bad cholesterol' for reducing the risk of developing heart disease, a new study has found.

  • Vitamin D Deficiency is Widely Overestimated, Doctors Warn
    Vitamin D Deficiency is Widely Overestimated, Doctors Warn

    Doctors are warning about vitamin D again, and it's not the "we need more" news you might expect. Instead, they say there's too much needless testing and too many people taking too many pills for ...

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