

'Cultivation' - 68 New Result(s)
  • Karnataka Farmer Cultivates Yellow Watermelons, Here's How Twitter Reacted
    Karnataka Farmer Cultivates Yellow Watermelons, Here's How Twitter Reacted

    A young farmer in Karnataka has cultivated yellow watermelons in his field, and they are apparently sweeter than their usual red counterparts.

  • PM Modi to Bet $1.5 Billion on Palm Oil Plan
    PM Modi to Bet $1.5 Billion on Palm Oil Plan

    A successful Indian push into palm cultivation would drag on international markets for the commodity, hitting Indonesia and Malaysia as they are currently the only major growers of the crop.

  • 5 Habits Worth Cultivating in 2017, According to a Dietitian
    5 Habits Worth Cultivating in 2017, According to a Dietitian

    Whether you make formal New Year's resolutions or not, the changing of the calendar often leads to contemplating what changes we might like to see in our lives. On the nutrition front, these are my ...

  • How to Start Your Little Kitchen Garden
    How to Start Your Little Kitchen Garden

    Looking to do your bit this World Environment Day? Cultivate some herbs and spices in your very own kitchen garden!

  • Did You Know? Most Expensive Miyazaki Mangoes Will Also Be Grown In Tripura
    Did You Know? Most Expensive Miyazaki Mangoes Will Also Be Grown In Tripura

    The Miyazaki mangoes, also known as the most expensive mango variety, is now being cultivated in Tripura too according to reports.

  • 13 Best Bottle Gourd Recipes | Easy Lauki Recipes
    13 Best Bottle Gourd Recipes | Easy Lauki Recipes

    Best Lauki Recipes: Did you know that bottle gourd, popularly known as lauki across most Indian households, is believed to be one of the first plants to be cultivated in the world? Lauki bears a ...

  • Himachal Vegetable Cultivation Reaps Over Rs.2,500 Crore
    Himachal Vegetable Cultivation Reaps Over Rs.2,500 Crore

    The vegetable cultivation in Himachal Pradesh, especially off-season, has increased the state's annual production to 14.60 lakh tonnes, and taken the state's annual revenue well over Rs.2,500 crores.

  • GM Mustard Would be Disastrous For India's Agricultural Independence
    GM Mustard Would be Disastrous For India's Agricultural Independence

    Noted molecular biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava on Saturday said the commercial cultivation of Genetically Modified (GM) mustard would be "disastrous" as it would eventually open the doors for multinational corporations to control India's agriculture.

  • Cranberries At 200: Market Changes, Drought Create A Crisis
    Cranberries At 200: Market Changes, Drought Create A Crisis

    All is not well in cranberry country this harvesting season, the 200th anniversary of the world's first known commercial cultivation.

  • 3,800 Year Old Potato Garden Discovered in Canada
    3,800 Year Old Potato Garden Discovered in Canada

    Ancient spuds recently dug up on Canada's Pacific coast are blackened and surely unedible, but are the first proof, say researchers, that North American natives tended gardens at least 3,800 years ago.

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