Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, they say. But if the eyes are too tired to behold, then beauty is lost. The summer heat and the glare of the sun play spoil sport ...
Eye Health: By incorporating these dietary changes and lifestyle tips into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing eye problems and maintain healthy vision throughout your life.
Under eye bags: In most cases, puffy and droopy eyes could be a sign of tiredness or lack of sleep.
Dry eyes can cause a lot of discomfort. They not only make the vision blurry, but also cause burning sensation, redness in the eyes and constant sticking of the eyelids.
In today's day and age, we are always straining our eyes through constant work in front of the laptop screen. This weakens our eyesight, and it is damaging for the eyes in the long run.
Amla is packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can give your eyes the care they deserve.
Winter Health: Taking care of eye health is especially important in the winter season. Here are some seasonal foods that could help!
Rose water is flavoured, aromatic water which is prepared by soaking rose petals into water. It has been one of the most versatile ingredients used in Indian households now. Not only is it immensely soothing ...
World Sight Day: This World Sight Day, we draw your attention towards all the essential nutrients that one must add to their diet for better eye health.
This World Sight Day, let's understand how we can improve our eye health with healthy fatty acids - Omega 3.