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Gastritis - 3 News Result(s)
  • 5 Home Remedies That Can Help To Soothe Gastritis
    5 Home Remedies That Can Help To Soothe Gastritis

    The term "gastritis" is frequently misused to refer to various upper abdominal issues, although actual gastritis refers to an inflamed stomach lining.

  • 5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis: Ease that Burning Pain Naturally
    5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis: Ease that Burning Pain Naturally

    Ever felt the burning sensation in your stomach that literally makes you crawl till the aching stops? If yes, it may be gastritis that is causing you the discomfort.

  • 11 Ingenious Ways to Avoid Bloating After Eating
    11 Ingenious Ways to Avoid Bloating After Eating

    Bloating is a prevalent inflation of stomach especially after a meal. It is a common symptom of excess gas production in your stomach. Here's how to prevent bloating.

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