People with a variant of a particular gene prefer high-fat food compared to people without it, said a study Tuesday, suggesting our dietary preferences may be at last partly pre-coded.
In a step that could lead to development of drugs to regulate alcohol consumption, researchers have identified a gene variant that suppresses the desire for a drink.
As part of their study new cardioprotective gene variant was discovered, which was not previously known to have cardioprotective qualities. The scientists also said that the variant may be almost unique to the Mylopotamos population.
Those who metabolize caffeine faster are more likely to drink more of it and the ones with only a couple of the gene variations are less likely to be heavy coffee drinkers than others.
A new study shed light on the discovery of two gene variations that has influenced increased risk of gall bladder cancer amongst Indians.
Researchers first identified the relationship between the variant near KLF14 and Type-2 diabetes risk in a large, genome-wide association study of a broad population.
A recent study has found that women with a gene variant associated with Alzheimer's disease experience a steeper decline in body mass index (BMI) after the age 70.