Food Awards

Green Peas Benefits

Green Peas Benefits - 6 News Result(s)
  • Green Pea For Diabetes: This Boiled Matar Chaat Can Be A Perfect Snack For The Diabetics
    Green Pea For Diabetes: This Boiled Matar Chaat Can Be A Perfect Snack For The Diabetics

    A treasure-trove of nutrients, this winter vegetable has always been a popular choice for regulating blood sugar and managing diabetes.

  • Weight Loss Tips: This Low-Calorie High-Protein Roasted Peas (Matar) Chaat May Help You Shed Kilos
    Weight Loss Tips: This Low-Calorie High-Protein Roasted Peas (Matar) Chaat May Help You Shed Kilos

    While there's no dearth of protein sources out there, we bring to you a low-calorie and high-protein recipe that is a perfect combination of taste and health. Wondering what it is? We're talking about roasted ...

  • Fresh Peas Or Frozen Peas: Which Is Healthier?  Answer Will Surprise You
    Fresh Peas Or Frozen Peas: Which Is Healthier? Answer Will Surprise You

    We grew up hearing, "Enjoy your vegetables fresh," but it doesn't stand true for every vegetable- one such being the green peas.

  • Winter Special: Make This Crispy And Delicious Matar Poori A Part Of Your Winter Diet
    Winter Special: Make This Crispy And Delicious Matar Poori A Part Of Your Winter Diet

    The poori is stuffed with a flavourful filling of peas and ginger along with a melange of spices like cumin, salt, coriander powder, cumin powder and garam masala.

  • Green Peas (Matar) For Diabetes: Why This Desi Veggie Is Good For Regulating Blood Sugar
    Green Peas (Matar) For Diabetes: Why This Desi Veggie Is Good For Regulating Blood Sugar

    Green pea or matar is one vegetable that may prove to be beneficial in a diabetes diet. Here is why this veggie may help diabetes patients.

  • This High-Protein, Keto-Friendly Green Pea Soup May Help Boost Weight Loss (Recipe Video)
    This High-Protein, Keto-Friendly Green Pea Soup May Help Boost Weight Loss (Recipe Video)

    Weight loss and soups have always shared a very healthy relation. Green pea soup might be a great addition to your diet, if you are looking to shed some weight and have a fit body.

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