Food Awards

Handvo recipe

'Handvo Recipe' - 4 New Result(s)
  • Moong Dal Handvo Recipe: This Gujarati Delicacy Makes For A Nutritious Breakfast In 15 Mins
    Moong Dal Handvo Recipe: This Gujarati Delicacy Makes For A Nutritious Breakfast In 15 Mins

    Handvo is a classic Gujarati delicacy, usually had as a breakfast or a snack. Learn how to make moong dal handvo with this easy recipe.

  • Watch: Use Leftover Rotis To Make The Classic Gujarati Handvo (Recipe Inside)
    Watch: Use Leftover Rotis To Make The Classic Gujarati Handvo (Recipe Inside)

    Food blogger Parul Gupta has shared a recipe video that teaches how to make handvo out of leftover rotis.

  • Rava Handvo Recipe: How To Make This Classic Gujarati Dish
    Rava Handvo Recipe: How To Make This Classic Gujarati Dish

    Traditionally, Gujarati handvo is made with rice and a mix of urad dal, chana dal and moong dal. Read on to know more about handvo.

  • Prepare Instant Gujarati Handvo Or Savoury Cake For Breakfast With This Easy Recipe
    Prepare Instant Gujarati Handvo Or Savoury Cake For Breakfast With This Easy Recipe

    Gujarati Handvo is a savoury cake often had for breakfast or as a healthy evening snack. Here's a simple way to make it instantly without hassle.

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