Food Awards

Memory boosting foods

'Memory Boosting Foods' - 7 New Result(s)
  • Yoga May Prevent Memory Loss in Elderly Women,These 9 Memory Boosting Foods May Help Too
    Yoga May Prevent Memory Loss in Elderly Women,These 9 Memory Boosting Foods May Help Too

    According to a study elderly women who have been practicing Yoga for a long time or 'yoginis' may have an edge as far as cognitive development in old age is concerned.

  • Foods To Boost Your Memory. Remember To Eat These!
    Foods To Boost Your Memory. Remember To Eat These!

    Memory is kind of a big deal! Whether you want to prepare for exams or simply want to outsmart everyone at a workplace meeting, a good memory can always help you. The world may have ...

  • Memory Boost: Eating Handful Of Nuts Daily Can Improve Mental Health
    Memory Boost: Eating Handful Of Nuts Daily Can Improve Mental Health

    The findings of the study showed that consuming nuts for a long period of time could be the key to better cognitive health, including improved thinking, reasoning and memory, especially in older people.

  • Walnuts Or Almonds: Which One Boosts Memory More? A Nutritionist Weighs In
    Walnuts Or Almonds: Which One Boosts Memory More? A Nutritionist Weighs In

    Both nuts support brain health, but one has a slight edge over the other. Dietitian Sejal Ahuja breaks it down.

  • How to Improve Memory Power: 10 Tips and Tricks
    How to Improve Memory Power: 10 Tips and Tricks

    Wondering how to improve your memory power? Luck for you, we've discovered 10 tricks and mind-sharpening strategies which can boost your memory.

  • Heart-Healthy Diet May Improve Brain And Memory Functioning; Study
    Heart-Healthy Diet May Improve Brain And Memory Functioning; Study

    The risk factors for heart disease also are risk factors for dementia and late-life cognitive decline and dementia. Regular exercising and following a heart-healthy diet such as the DASH diet, may improve heart condition as ...

  • Do Almonds Really Help Improve Memory?
    Do Almonds Really Help Improve Memory?

    Let's look at how almonds help improve memory and overall brain function!

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