Food Awards

Microwave popcorn

'Microwave Popcorn' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Amid Pandemic, Microwave Popcorn Sales Witness Surge In Europe - Here's Why
    Amid Pandemic, Microwave Popcorn Sales Witness Surge In Europe - Here's Why

    Microwave popcorn is the having a moment amidst the pandemic, as sales witness a surge in Europe. But why is this happening? Here's a lowdown.

  • Viral Video: This Microwave Popcorn Hack Shows You May Be Making Them Wrong
    Viral Video: This Microwave Popcorn Hack Shows You May Be Making Them Wrong

    Viral Video: This simple hack for microwave popcorn may just change the way you make them!

  • Deliciously Dangerous: Why Microwave Popcorn Can Be Terribly Harmful
    Deliciously Dangerous: Why Microwave Popcorn Can Be Terribly Harmful

    Every research points to one thing - microwave popcorn is associated with severe obstructive lung disease. Here's why.

  • Amazing Benefits Of Popcorn That You Didn't Know About
    Amazing Benefits Of Popcorn That You Didn't Know About

    We are talking about regular popcorn here and not the microwavable variety we often eat at home or the ones that come with truckloads of butter and salt. Popcorn doesn't just improves movie-time experience, but ...

  • FDA Sets 2018 Deadline to Rid Foods of Trans Fats
    FDA Sets 2018 Deadline to Rid Foods of Trans Fats

    Trans fats - a major contributor to heart disease in the United States - have already been substantially reduced in foods, but they still lurk in many popular products, including frostings, microwave popcorn, packaged pies, ...

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