Food Awards

Natural Sweeteners

Natural Sweeteners - 11 News Result(s)
  • 5 Natural Sweeteners To Add To Your Favourite Desserts
    5 Natural Sweeteners To Add To Your Favourite Desserts

    Looking for natural sweeteners to stash your pantry with? Fret not! We have got you covered. Here're 5 best options to choose from.

  • Sugar-Free, Guilt-Free! Sweet Protein Discovered In Truffles May Be The Next Big Thing
    Sugar-Free, Guilt-Free! Sweet Protein Discovered In Truffles May Be The Next Big Thing

    Truffle mushrooms are typically used as a luxury ingredient in European cooking. Now, they may be brought into use as a natural sweetener too!

  • Vegan Diet: 4 Natural Sweeteners That Vegans May Add To Their Diet
    Vegan Diet: 4 Natural Sweeteners That Vegans May Add To Their Diet

    Vegans may not have a lot of options available when it comes to sweetening their foods and beverages, but there are some healthy, natural alternatives that may work, including date syrup, maple syrup etc.

  • Healthy Cooking Tips: How To Make Date Paste To Replace Sugar In Desserts
    Healthy Cooking Tips: How To Make Date Paste To Replace Sugar In Desserts

    The naturally sweet taste of dates is what makes it a great alternative for refined sugar. Ripened dates have 80 per cent sugar content. Make the all-natural date paste for sweetening healthy desserts and sweet ...

  • Can Diabetic Patients Have Desserts?
    Can Diabetic Patients Have Desserts?

    One of the most common myths about diabetes is that it is caused by consuming too much of sugary foods. Indeed, sweets can affect your body but they do not cause diabetes. Diabetes is a ...

  • 3 Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than White Sugar
    3 Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than White Sugar

    Ditch the refined table sugar and bring home these three healthy sweeteners guaranteed to satisfy your sweet cravings.

  • Date Syrup: A Natural Sweetener that Can Fight Bacterial Infections
    Date Syrup: A Natural Sweetener that Can Fight Bacterial Infections

    According to new research, date syrup has antibacterial properties and can fight against a number of disease-causing bacteria

  • Diabetes Diet: Sugar-Free, Dates-Based Desserts To Curb Sweet Cravings
    Diabetes Diet: Sugar-Free, Dates-Based Desserts To Curb Sweet Cravings

    Dates are one of the sweetest fruits nature has gifted us with.Diabetes patients can also have their fill of sweet treats with naturally sweetened meals made of dates sans any artificial sugar. These desserts may ...

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Differences Between Jaggery And Molasses You Never Knew Existed
    5 Mind-Blowing Differences Between Jaggery And Molasses You Never Knew Existed

    Are you using the right natural sweetener? Explore the incredible differences between jaggery and molasses.

  • Healthy Dessert Recipes: 3 Yummy Fruit And Yogurt Parfait Recipes To Try
    Healthy Dessert Recipes: 3 Yummy Fruit And Yogurt Parfait Recipes To Try

    For those with a sweet tooth, parfaits are a Godsend as they are easy to assemble, taste great and make for healthy dishes to satiate sweet cravings with. Here are 3 recipes you can try!

Natural Sweeteners - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    6 Healthier Substitutes For Refined Sugar
    Apr 15 2024
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