Food Awards


'Pediatrics' - 10 New Result(s)
  • How Much Should We Tell Kids About Their Own Health?
    How Much Should We Tell Kids About Their Own Health?

    Over the years, the pendulum has swung from a "protective" approach of telling kids little or nothing to avoid worrying them about bad news to an "open" approach of giving children all the facts and ...

  • How to Protect Your Child From Obesity
    How to Protect Your Child From Obesity

    The first few years in a child's life play a huge role in determining how healthy, unhealthy or obese he/she will be in the future. This makes it crucial that infants be fed with the ...

  • Packaged Baby Food Not as Healthy as it Seems!
    Packaged Baby Food Not as Healthy as it Seems!

    A new study, published in the journal Pediatrics, indicates that many packaged meals and snacks for toddlers contain worrisome amounts of salt and sugar.

  • Breastfeeding Ups Brain Development in Preemies
    Breastfeeding Ups Brain Development in Preemies

    Pre-term babies who were fed more breast milk within the first 28 days of life showed better levels of intelligence, academic achievement, working memory as well as higher brain function by the age of seven, ...

  • Fatty Livers Increase Kid's Risk of Diabetes
    Fatty Livers Increase Kid's Risk of Diabetes

    About seven million children in the U.S. have fatty livers, and nearly a third of those kids also have prediabetes or diabetes, according to a new study.

  • British, Italian and Canadian Babies Cry the Most in the World: Study
    British, Italian and Canadian Babies Cry the Most in the World: Study

    The research was published in the Journal of Pediatrics and analysis over 8000 babies in countries including, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Germany, Italy.

  • Avoid Giving Fruit Juice to Babies in the First Year, Pediatricians Advise
    Avoid Giving Fruit Juice to Babies in the First Year, Pediatricians Advise

    In its latest report, theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics has announced that no fruit juice should be given to newborn babies at least for a year.

  • Children Cancer Survivors Are Met With Fewer Long-Term Health Complications
    Children Cancer Survivors Are Met With Fewer Long-Term Health Complications

    Experts noted that more and more children are now being cured with lesser number of patients showing signs of developing any sever medical condition in later life.

  • Warning Mothers Against Sugary Drinks May Counter Child Obesity
    Warning Mothers Against Sugary Drinks May Counter Child Obesity

    Childhood obesity is a rising concern for various parents. A new study, published in the Journal 'Academic Pediatrics', suggests that educating parents, especially mothers, with basic facts about the effects of drinking sugary drinks during ...

  • Non-Nutritive Sweeteners: Researchers Look At Their Impact On Children
    Non-Nutritive Sweeteners: Researchers Look At Their Impact On Children

    A new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement sheds light on how these non-nutritive sweeteners may affect children's weight, taste preferences, the risk for diabetes, and long-term safety.

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