

Pregnant - 120 News Result(s)
  • Pregnant Women May Be at Higher Risk of Traumatic Injury and Death
    Pregnant Women May Be at Higher Risk of Traumatic Injury and Death

    Pregnant women are twice as likely to be a victim of an assault-related trauma than an accident-related trauma like car accidents or falls, compared to women who are not pregnant.

  • More Sanitation, Literacy = Fewer Anaemic, Pregnant Women
    More Sanitation, Literacy = Fewer Anaemic, Pregnant Women

    The proportion of anaemic, pregnant women dropped 12 percentage points over a decade to 2015, government health data show, but India still has more anaemic women than any other country and a prevalence rate above ...

  • Pregnant Woman Prepares 30 Days Of Meals For Husband, Sparks Debate Online
    Pregnant Woman Prepares 30 Days Of Meals For Husband, Sparks Debate Online

    A pregnant Japanese woman's act of preparing meals for her husband ahead of her due date has stirred controversy online.

  • Seafood Guidance for Pregnant Women
    Seafood Guidance for Pregnant Women

    The Food and Drug Administration is putting together new advice for pregnant women on the appropriate levels of mercury in seafood. In an interview Friday with The Associated Press, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the ...

  • Why Pregnant Women Should Consume Less Milk
    Why Pregnant Women Should Consume Less Milk

    We've known about the nutrient-richness of milk for long, especially as a primary source of nutrition for infants. It is a valuable source of calcium, vitamin D and protein.  In fact, USDA recommends pregnant women ...

  • Study Finds No Link Between Flu During Pregnancy and Autism Risk
    Study Finds No Link Between Flu During Pregnancy and Autism Risk

    Researchers found no link between influenza in pregnant women and the risk of her child developing autism after birth, a US study said Monday.

  • Sleep Apnea Tied to Diabetes and Hypertension During Pregnancy
    Sleep Apnea Tied to Diabetes and Hypertension During Pregnancy

    Pregnant women who experience certain breathing problems during sleep may be more likely to develop complications like high blood pressure and diabetes, recent U.S. research suggests.

  • Viral: This Father Cooking Food And Storing It For His Pregnant Daughter Has Won The Internet
    Viral: This Father Cooking Food And Storing It For His Pregnant Daughter Has Won The Internet

    A video of a father helping out his daughter make food and store it in the last month of pregnancy has gone viral on the internet.

  • After Husband Steals Snacks, Pregnant Woman Buys Fridge And Locks It
    After Husband Steals Snacks, Pregnant Woman Buys Fridge And Locks It

    The Redditors were visibly disappointed with Paul’s behaviour, many even called him “extraordinarily selfish.” 

  • Pregnant Women Who Smoke May Not Have Grandchildren in the Future
    Pregnant Women Who Smoke May Not Have Grandchildren in the Future

    According to a study done by the University of Western Australia, women who smoke during pregnancy can run the risk of having male children with low sperm production in their adulthood

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