Food Awards

Sleep Problems

Sleep Problems - 8 News Result(s)
  • What is Causing Sleep Problems Among Teenagers?
    What is Causing Sleep Problems Among Teenagers?

    A new study states that adolescents who experience sleep problems and longer sleep duration are more reactive to stress, which could contribute to academic, behavioural and health issues.

  • Too Little Sleep, Or Too Much, Linked to Risk of Heart Disease
    Too Little Sleep, Or Too Much, Linked to Risk of Heart Disease

    Sleep irregularities may be tied to a variety of health problems, such as diabetes and obesity, that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, a leading U.S. doctors group says.

  • Try Having a Purpose in Life, It Might Help You Get a Good Sleep! We Suggest Some Foods that May Help too!
    Try Having a Purpose in Life, It Might Help You Get a Good Sleep! We Suggest Some Foods that May Help too!

    A study based on older adults, suggests that having a purpose in life could be a drug-free strategy to get a sound sleep.Also, we suggest some foods that may help too!

  • Do You Struggle With Sleep? Try These 5 Nutritionist-Recommended Foods To Beat Insomnia
    Do You Struggle With Sleep? Try These 5 Nutritionist-Recommended Foods To Beat Insomnia

    Celebrity nutritionist Lovleen Batra recently took to her Instagram to share a list of foods that can help beat insomnia.

  • Early Sleep Problems Can Lead to Pain Later in Life
    Early Sleep Problems Can Lead to Pain Later in Life

    The long-term associations between sleep problems and the pain types were compared between the sexes and the mediating effects of anxiety and depression, fatigue and physical activity were explored.

  • Trouble Sleeping? Eat Well
    Trouble Sleeping? Eat Well

    Stress is often seen as a culprit when you are unable to get a good night's sleep. But your diet also plays a role in it. Check your nutrient intake to sleep well.The following vitamins ...

  • Wrong habits may cause sleepless nights
    Wrong habits may cause sleepless nights

     Habits like reading a book or keeping your mouth minty fresh may affect your shares some of the habits that are likely to spoil a sound sleep:You're an inconsistent eater: Studies show inconsistent eating ...

  • World Health Day 2021: Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Share Simple Diet Tips For Better Sleep
    World Health Day 2021: Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Share Simple Diet Tips For Better Sleep

    World Health Day: Pooja Makhija took to her Instagram handle to share that including magnesium and glycine in our daily diet will help us have a proper sleep every night.

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