"I was probably consuming around 100-150 grams of sugar every day," Bryan Johnson revealed in a social media post.
The study showed that people without the SI gene may have a hard time digesting sugary foods, making them dislike it.
The study on Health Warning Labels on sodas and colas takes a cue from University of Michigan School of Public Health and UC Davis' earlier initiatives to control tobacco consumption.
A new study has said that consuming sugary and fatty foods in excess may re-model the brain, leading to a pattern of overeating.
Mental Health Diet Tips: A high saturated fat, high sugar diet has also been shown to impact your brain health. Check out foods that are making your mouth water but are messing with your brain ...
Researchers recommend a 'low-AGE' diet with leafy greens, fish, and brown rice to lower diabetes risk.
Insulin is released by the pancreas and plays a major role in helping your body store and utilize the sugar and fat from the food you eat. But do you think eating too much sugar ...
Despite our love of fried, sugary foods, we need to lower our consumption of these foods, especially during dinner.
According to a new study published by the researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, current obesity rates in adults in the United States could be the result of dietary changes that took place decades ...
Parents tend to celebrate their children's victory by rewarding them with post-game sweets or snacks that are full of calories. The amount of calories is usually much more than the kids actually burn while playing ...