Look for the term broad spectrum on your sunscreen. This means the sunscreen can protect you from both UVB/A rays.
Australia's Deputy Prime Minister on Tuesday warned citizens about the dangers of working in the sun.
It is rightly said, you are what you eat. This inevitably means, your meals have a great role to play how the body conducts. Read on for details.
Sun Protection Factor, more popularly known as SPF, is a measure of how well a sunscreen can protect the skin from harmful UVB radiations. We've decoded how high an SPF your sunscreen needs to have ...
SPF or Sun Protection Factor measures how well a sunscreen protects the skin against sun damage.
In a review published by the Cochrane Library, Arevalo-Rodriguez and Sanchez and colleagues set out to assess how much we already know about whether sunscreen and other protective measures, such as wearing hats or sunglasses ...