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'Tb' - 10 New Result(s)
  • Drug Resistant TB: 5 Facts You Didn't Know
    Drug Resistant TB: 5 Facts You Didn't Know

    TB is treatable, however, the bacteria that cause TB can develop resistance to the antimicrobial drugs used to cure the disease. This is known as Drug-Resistant TB or Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).

  • XDR and MRD: The Rise of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
    XDR and MRD: The Rise of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

    The rise of multi-drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis is threatening to outdo years of progress in controlling the disease.

  • New Treatment For Tuberculosis: Anti-Bacterial Compounds in Soil Can Help
    New Treatment For Tuberculosis: Anti-Bacterial Compounds in Soil Can Help

    According to a new research, anti-bacterial compounds which are found in soil could prove to be a new treatment for tuberculosis.

  • Health Check: 25% of the World's Tuberculosis Patients in India
    Health Check: 25% of the World's Tuberculosis Patients in India

    According to a latest study, conducted by the Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP) researchers, India bears the highest burden of tuberculosis globally and about 25% of the world's tuberculosis patients belong to ...

  • Ancient Chinese Malaria Remedy May Help Fight TB
    Ancient Chinese Malaria Remedy May Help Fight TB

    A centuries-old herbal Chinese medicine, used to effectively treat malaria, may help fight tuberculosis and slow the evolution of drug resistance, scientists have found.

  • World Tuberculosis Day: 5 Early Symptoms of The Disease You Shouldn't Ignore
    World Tuberculosis Day: 5 Early Symptoms of The Disease You Shouldn't Ignore

    World Tuberculosis Day is observed on the 24th of March every year. It is recognized in order to spread public awareness on the global epidemic of tuberculosis.

  • Tuberculosis Caused 1.5 Million Deaths in 2014: WHO Report
    Tuberculosis Caused 1.5 Million Deaths in 2014: WHO Report

    WHO said in a report that the fight against TB is paying off, with this year's death rate nearly half of what it was in 1990.

  • Megastar Amitabh Bachchan Becomes the Face of the National Anti-TB Campaign
    Megastar Amitabh Bachchan Becomes the Face of the National Anti-TB Campaign

    The campaign emphasizes on the early identification of the symptoms of tuberculosis.

  • Vitamin A Deficiency Can Put You At The Risk of Tuberculosis
    Vitamin A Deficiency Can Put You At The Risk of Tuberculosis

    A new study, published inthe journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, shows that people with vitamin A deficiency may be 10 times more likely to develop tuberculosis (TB).

  • Green Tea May Be Beneficial In Dealing With Tuberculosis (TB); Says Study
    Green Tea May Be Beneficial In Dealing With Tuberculosis (TB); Says Study

    A natural antioxidant that is found in large quantities in green tea, could fight the tuberculosis bacteria. The compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) may interfere with the growth of a tuberculosis-causing bacteria strain.

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