And so the tale of his free tiffin service began. Sharavan Tiffin Service started from his own house where his wife Kalpana used to prepare food and send it out to the needy elderly living in the Mira-Bhayanadar area. It started with 11 tiffins and has now expanded to a whopping 200 tiffins prepared in two separate kitchens with a couple of cooks in place. Dr. Modi ensures that food for diabetics is prepared in a separate kitchen.The tiffin usually contains 6 chappatis and a curry along with dal and rice. Sundays are special therefore home-made dessert and farsan (a Gujarati type of savoury snack) also join the parcel. "We have two tempo and 4 dealer vans that help in transporting these tiffins all around the locality. I work as an artist in serials and TV shows, my additional income along with help and support from family and friends suffices. However, I am on a constant lookout for ways to help more and more people every day," noted Dr. Modi.

Feeding 500 people, that too from your own pocket, doesn't come easy. Dr. Modi has a family of his own - a college going daughter, a son who is studying computer science and a supportive wife whom he calls his inspiration and courage. Close to 3 lakh rupees is spent every month to ensure regular food supply to these abandoned elderly. Despite all the challenges, Dr. Modi and his family are undeterred and more than committed towards their unconditional seva to the aged. "My chest swells with pride when my kids come back and give me tiny bits of their savings to be put in for the seva. Lots of people come forward and support, I am sure it will go on," Dr. Modi shared.
In a city where people come to realise gigantic dreams, Dr. Modi has only one desire, "I want to build a Dikra nu ghar for these old people - a home like their own son's place where everything is taken care of not only just food.
Images via Sharavan Tiffin Seva/Facebook