Food Awards

Killian Fox


Content by Killian Fox

    • How to Fillet a Fish

      Tim Hughes, chef-director of the Caprice group reveals the little tricks you need to know for a perfect fillet.Tim Hughes would be handy to have by your side at your local fishmonger. "The more scales on the fish, the fresher it's going to be," he ...

    • How to Make Perfect Mashed Potato

      Olli Dabbous tells how to make the sinfully rich mashed potato that wows diners at Dabbous. Warning: contains three packs of butter.Two weeks after Dabbous opened in January 2012, it received a rare five-star review from Fay Maschler in the Evening Standard....

    • How to Cook a Proper Full English Breakfast

      Tom Kerridge treats breakfast as seriously as any dish at his Michelin-starred pub. Here's how he gets the day off to the best start.When it comes to the most important meal of the day, Tom Kerridge, chef-proprietor at the Hand & Flowers pub in Buckinghamshire,...

    • How to Make Fried Chicken

      Hot tips from street food specialists Ross Gardner and Justin Unsworth of Spit & Roast.For many traders, street food is a means to a more conventional end: you start out selling from the back of a van and, if you amass a big enough following, ...

    • The future of Food: Insects, GM Rice and Edible Packaging are on the Menu

      As the global population rises and food prices do too, many scientists are looking for alternatives to traditional foodstuffs. Eating insectsTwo billion people around the world, primarily in south-east Asia and Africa, eat insects - locusts, grasshoppers,...

    • How to Make Perfect Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream

      It's easier to make homemade ice cream than you think, says La Grotta Ices' Kitty Travers. No fancy equipment, just a bowl, a thermometer and a whisk.When Kitty Travers sells her homemade ice cream at Spa Terminus, a hub of food producers in south London...

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