India, a land of festivities, is currently abuzz with Diwali preparations. The festive spirit encompasses the entire week, starting with Dhanteras, Chhoti Diwali, the grand Diwali celebration, and culminating with the much-awaited Bhai Dooj festival. Anticipation runs high in Indian households during these auspicious times. This year, Bhai Dooj falls on 15th November 2023, two days after Diwali. Sisters lovingly apply the traditional Roli tilak on their brothers' foreheads, offering heartfelt prayers for their long and prosperous lives. Similar to Rakshabandhan, Bhai Dooj holds significant cultural importance in Hindu traditions. As families come together to celebrate Bhai Dooj, delectable snacks and sweets grace the occasion, setting the tone for a joyous gathering.
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In the spirit of this festive celebration, we present five hassle-free snack recipes that are bound to delight guests of all ages. These quick and simple recipes are designed to add that extra sparkle to your Bhai Dooj festivities.
Here Are 5 Easy-to-Make Snacks to Wow Your Guests On Bhai Dooj:
1. Chilli Garlic Potato Bites
Crunchy and flavorful, these Potato Bites can be whipped up in just 20 minutes, leaving a lasting impression on your taste buds. A delightful blend of rice flour, grated boiled potatoes, garlic, salt, and chilli, these golden-brown crispy bites are sure to be a hit. Find the recipe here.
2. Cheese Popcorn
Whether it's a family gathering or a cosy movie night, Cheese Popcorn never fails to please. Dip paneer pieces in a gram flour solution, coat them with breadcrumbs, and deep-fry for a scrumptious snack that's quick and easy to make. Click here for the full recipe.
3. Chinese Pocket Samosa
Give your traditional samosas an intriguing twist with this Chinese-inspired version. Packed with a medley of vegetables and a delightfully sweet and spicy flavour, these pocket samosas take just 10 minutes to make. Discover the recipe here.
4. Bangbang Batata
A crispy potato snack that's quick to prepare, Bangbang Batata is the ideal choice for a swift party starter or a delightful evening tea accompaniment. Using boiled potatoes, this recipe promises a delectable treat in just a few minutes. Click here for the recipe.
5. Onion Bread Pakoda
A beloved North Indian delight, Onion Bread Pakoda brings a fresh twist to the classic Aloo Bread Pakoda recipe. Infused with the rich flavour of onion, this scrumptious variation offers a delightful twist to your Bhai Dooj feast. Click here
Also Read: Onion Prices Hike: 7 Genius Hacks For Delicious, Onion-Free Gravy That'll Blow Your Mind
These delightful, easy-to-make snacks are guaranteed to capture the hearts of both young and old, bringing joy and happiness to your Bhai Dooj celebrations.
About PayalFood in the mind, Bollywood in the heart - these two things often shimmer in Payal's writing. Besides penning thoughts, Payal enjoys a playful tango with new and delicious recipes. Roaming around is her jam; whether catching up on the latest flicks or grooving to the beat, Payal knows how to keep her empty moments brimming with flavour and rhythm.