Winter-veggies are a delight to cook with. Not only do they add a lot of freshness to our meals, their nutritional quotient makes them a necessary addition to winter diets. Spinach is one of the healthiest greens to consume at this time of the year. Rich in vitamins A, C and K and minerals like magnesium, iron and manganese, spinach makes for one of the healthiest greens on your plate. Did you know spinach has almost twice as much fibre as any other green vegetable? Fibre, as we know, helps regulate your bowel movement and digestion and is also extremely heart-healthy. In addition to this, the rich content of vitamin K in spinach makes it one of the best vegetables for strengthening bones, while the beta carotene is extremely good for the eyes. If only there was a way to explain this to children who shrink their tiny noses at the very mention of spinach or palak. But that shouldn't stop you from trying. If Popeye, the Sailor man wasn't able to get the message through, its time you make these lovely greens interesting for your little fussy eater. These yummy ideas are sure to work a charm upon your children.
1. Spinach LasagnaThe cheesy Italian delight can make for a delicious healthy vegetarian dinner/lunch option. Grab hold of some lasagna sheets, put them in a layer and then put a layer of cheese and spinach. Repeat it twice or thrice depending upon your preference and put your vegetarian lasagna to bake. You healthy veggie wonder is ready! You can also add dollops of freshly blended spinach paste (throw in some basil leaves and garlic for a pesto-like flavour) between the lasagna sheets. 
2. Spinach SoupWinters are here, the nippy weather often brings along with itself a barrage of illnesses, flu and infections. Soups are one of the best foods you can have to bolster up your immunity. Add the lovely greens to your soup and sip away to good health.
Spinach soup is packed with goodness of fibre and vitamins 3. Palak TheplaGujarat's favourite snack, palak ka thepla is a disk-like crunchy treat that is often enjoyed as part of farsan (evening snack). Knead some flour with spinach, ginger, chilies, herbs and roll it very thin. Put the thepla on the ladle and fry from both sides. Your kids will love this crunchy delight.

4. Palak Pakoda Crisp, deep fried spinach fritters served with a lip-smacking chutney or sauce is tough to resist, even for kids! To make the treat more healthy you can bake them or use whole wheat flour in the batter.
5. Spinach KebabWarm up your winter with this delicious and easy-to make snack. These succulent patty-like Kebabs made with blanched spinach and hung curd and spices are an intant mood-lifter.
6. Cheese and Spinach MomosThe dumpling delicacy is a hit across the country. How about cashing in on the craze? Momos can be easily prepared in home, all you need is some dough and a steamer and the fillings of your choice. Prepare a mixture of finely chopped spinach and some cheese and fill it in rolled out momo dough. Mould them into a momo and steam. Serve hot with ketchup of red chilly chutney and watch your kids gulp the plate down.
Make greens interesting for your kids with these ingenious ideas. Have we missed out on some more interesting ways? Do let us know!
1. Spinach LasagnaThe cheesy Italian delight can make for a delicious healthy vegetarian dinner/lunch option. Grab hold of some lasagna sheets, put them in a layer and then put a layer of cheese and spinach. Repeat it twice or thrice depending upon your preference and put your vegetarian lasagna to bake. You healthy veggie wonder is ready! You can also add dollops of freshly blended spinach paste (throw in some basil leaves and garlic for a pesto-like flavour) between the lasagna sheets.

Lasagna filled with goodness pf spinach
2. Spinach SoupWinters are here, the nippy weather often brings along with itself a barrage of illnesses, flu and infections. Soups are one of the best foods you can have to bolster up your immunity. Add the lovely greens to your soup and sip away to good health.

4. Palak Pakoda Crisp, deep fried spinach fritters served with a lip-smacking chutney or sauce is tough to resist, even for kids! To make the treat more healthy you can bake them or use whole wheat flour in the batter.

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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