The wedding season is here and we are all aware of the amount of planning that goes into making sure that your D-Day is as perfect as you had imagined. Indian weddings are really elaborate with a number of ceremonies to plan but there is no need to develop cold feet just as yet. With proper planning, management and execution you can have the perfect wedding that you have dreamt of. Some of the hardest decisions in wedding planning are arguably the ones surrounding the food. Here are some common wedding food and catering blunders people often make and what you can learn from them.
1. Miscommunication With the Caterers
It is very important to have proper communication with your caterers from the start. Inform them in explicit details of what you want and what are you planning: if you are planning to go regional or have a theme-based food menu. Decide well-in-advance the specific starters, main course and desserts that you would want to keep. Also make sure you taste them once, so that you are completely satisfied with what is to be plated on the D-Day.

Communication with wedding caterers is important from beginning to end
2. Never Ending Menus and Food Wastage
Long, never-ending menus are a strict no-no. In a bid to include everything, the quality often suffers and let's not even forget about the amount of food that is wasted. Keep the menu short, exciting and also keep a tab on the new food trends that are doing the rounds. Having a multi-course menu with exotic preparations may seem fancy in the planning stage but may not materialize that well in reality. Stick to the regular favourites, add some quirky additions -live counters serving popular delicacies like pizza, and sushi are the newest trends you may want to invest in. The more variety you provide, the higher the price and there will be more confusion.

Long menu can compromise on quality and amount to food wastage
3. Inadequate Stock and Shortage of Food
The wedding feast is one of the toughest meals to arrange for and not having enough stock or your guests having to wait for the food is a bigger nightmare. It is always better to have a little surplus of everything to prevent shortage and an embarrassing situation.

It is always better to have a little surplus of everything
4. Crowded Venue, Not Enough Waiters
It is always advisable to be sure of the number people who will be attending every function and additions if there are any. Many a times one ends up booking a hall, which is too small to accommodate your entire guest list. Now, imagine the utter mess in the buffet area and eating in that overtly crowded space. Book a space which accommodates your guests well, have enough chairs and tables accordingly so that you are able to attend to your guests properly. Also, be mindful with the server to guest ratio. Make sure there are enough servers assigned in one particular area or that there aren't too many servers crowding at one place and serving only those select few.

Make sure the hall is big enough to accommodate all guests
5. Not Sticking To the Budget
Always chart a budget you want to allocate to food in advance and adhere to it. Straying from the budget is the worst thing you can do while browsing through your menu. The options may be enticing but having exotic and lavish starters and then compromising on the main course with few vegetarian and non-vegetarian curries (because you went overboard) is never a good idea. So, plan a budget and choose your options wisely around it.

Always stick to your wedding budget
6. Catering to Special Dietary Needs of Certain Guests
As you prepare your guest list, try taking notes of their special dietary needs, preferences, allergies in advance and provide your servers with a list of those guests and arrange for separate snacks accordingly. Try to include more dishes that are eaten widely than trying your hand at every new exotic food you find on the menu.

As you prepare your guest list, try taking notes of their special dietary needs
So, make a note of all these blunders, and expert tips and get down to planning already!
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.